That's just showing off!

Day 1,232, 04:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby
Herro there o7;

I felt it's about time somebody brought up political parties and how pointless they are at the moment. Interesting things, though. As I was busily sorting out a bit of admin in preparation for the elections, I remembered a forgotten part of the party – it’s accounts.

Sure, you can donate whatever you like to the party and to run for the Party Presidency is a modest 2G fee. But where does all this money actually go?

Admin does a runner as a silly journalist turns up.

At the moment, my only in game functions are to rearrange Congress candidates and nominate Country President candidates. There is apparently no other direct purpose that I am directly doing during my term that I couldn’t do as a party member. I could simply be the elections co-ordinator. Party accounts are just for showing off how collectively rich you are. What's that supposed to achieve?

The Party should be funding various schemes directly from its party accounts – there should be Party assess you could have that bring special bonuses which each branch of politics you decide to choose as a party. We used to have chat rooms (which were a massive failure); but why not have individual forums and skills and stuff that would really represent a much sounder purpose for the party?

eRep is becoming blander by the day; perhaps injecting a bit of real politics into the system might give things a creative twist?

eRepublik common sense deficiency well in action.

As I have shown from the picture above, Parties can build up quite large stockpiles of gold. If all the top 5 parties were to pool their funds to help defend Britain in an emergency, we could have ~300G ready to fund our defences. That’s a pretty decent response to a future John Snuggles.

Parties have become increasingly baseless, and only serve as a purpose for elevation to office. We have so many handbag fights these days over personalities because it’s simply a popularity contest machine – parties should have a much larger role in society; rather than to be the base of some self-glorification contest.

The creative option occasionally works 😉


Sir Humphrey Appleby MP, UKRP Party President