
Day 492, 12:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John F Baker

Dear Londoners,

I'd once again like to thankyou and the academy for a great congress elections, in which I raised 21 votes.Commiserations to all who helped me out and voted for me, and to the others who were voted in. It was a harder election than last time, with the likes of sara droz, but saddly not squiddy, and while around 20 less voted, it was indeed very close - too close to call at times, as we jumped around from wildcard to full, to unqualified and so on... Im very pleased to be back for my seconfd term in office, and also that it appears that my work has paid off, and I've had many more votes than before. I'd also like to congratulate all congressmen across the isles, and especially those loyal to the PCP 😉. Well done all.

With this second term comes many more challenges, as I'm now going to have to take a more active role in HoC rather than learning the nitty gritty of the workings. Hopefully I can achieve you, the voters, standards, and I look forward to a great term. I've alrdeay donated the 5G to the clinic, so hopefully that will help a little, but Im sure there will be more to be happy about. Just GET ON THE LONDON REGIONAL FORUM!!!

Now, that out of the way, I'd like to point your guys heads to a little copetition between thehorseltd and me. We are currently in a design-off after a clash of paintbrushes followed some releases of party propaganda posters were produced from both sides, and a few very funny parodies of them. Perhaps you would like to take a look, and cheer one of us (preferably me) on, so is the link.

Also, I'd like to raise a toast to Rastari, who is set to run for Prime Minister for the 5th April CP elections!