Thanksgiving Joke

Day 736, 18:45 Published in USA USA by Sadew Shragnor
This article's rather short, Thanksgiving in the US tomorrow.

Food! *_,* Celebrate with family and friends, and gain some weight too. You all deserve a day off for now, enjoy the holiday, just do the absolute minimum and get back to the turkey before Uncle Charlie does. 1 good tip if you want a larger party: Schedule your Thanksgiving event the day before, so people will be able to go to yours without disappointing grandma. Even though it's not Thanksgiving yet, we should all get ready to have some fun now.

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How do you get a boneless, gutless, turkey?

Get it from here:

You're not gettin' Maine. 😉

Edit: Yeah yeah I know all the technical stuff about all this and I know the article sucks, but I wanted to see the effectiveness of the ad system and other things. XD