Thank You

Day 1,009, 12:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sven Goran Duran-Duran

Today, I step down as Congressman for NE England - in part, due to its (soon to be reversed) occupation - I write this article, with a heavy heart, from my private bunker in London.

It's been a pleasure serving, and I think I did my job relatively well although combining my duties with my Army job was hard. This is another reason for my decision to step down.

I got an activity rating of 63%, which isn't bad, but you deserve better. As and when I can do so, I may try and have another go.

Last point on that, I'd also like to thank TUP for their help and support. I remain loyal to the party and will continue to help out where I can.

together we are stronger

In the meantime, it's back to fight Cunnucks for me \o/

I shall enjoy kicking them off the Transporter Bridge. tis gonna be LOLZ

Pheonix will Prevail

OK, thanks again, and remember STAY CALM, CARRY ON AND JOIN THE ARMY FFS