Thank You KOMA....

Day 473, 07:52 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by axllyne

During the fierce battle between eIndonesia with eRomania in the West Siberian Region, there was a group of white-uniformed people who were not less busy than the soldiers who were fighting in the battlefield. They were so busy going here and there treating and taking care the injured soldiers in hospital emergency tents. They were very busy giving "wellness" injections and encouraging the soldiers, although sometimes the stock "gift" came too late, hahahaha. I noticed there was one of the officers went out to find an “internet café” because the connection was bad due to the very heavy rain in order to help in the KOMA tent. And there was a “gift” messenger that should immediately returned from his "campus/school” just simply because the supply of the "gift" getting very low. I believe they should be given credit as “heroes behind the scenes”.

They are Volunteers for KOMA who have helped compassionately and patiently. Therefore, through this article, I say a special Thank You to all the doctors, nurses and volunteers who have been very helpful in KOMA. Thank you to all the soldiers who have been very polite and patiently waiting for the treatment and injections and to all the soldiers who gave us the victory in the West Siberian Region. Thank you so much.

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Selama berlangsungnya peperangan sengit antara eIndonesia dengan eRomania di West Siberian Region, ada sekelompok orang berseragam putih yang tidak kalah sibuknya dengan para prajurit yang sedang berjuang. Mereka sibuk kesana kemari menerima dan merawat prajurit yang terluka di tenda rumah sakit darurat. Dengan sibuknya menyuntik “wellness” dan memberi semangat para pejuang meskipun kadang stok “gift” datang terlambat, hahahaha. Sampai ada salah seorang petugas harus “cari warnet” karena koneksi yang ada saat itu jelek akibat hujan besar demi untuk dapat menolong di tenda KOMA. Bahkan seorang “pengantar gift” pun harus segera kembali dari “kampusnya” karena persediaan “gift” yang sangat menipis. Mereka juga layak tuk di perhitungkan sebagai “pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa”.

Merekalah Sukarelawan KOMA yang sudah dengan sabarnya membantu KOMA. Karena itu melalui artikel ini saya khusus mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada semua dokter, suster dan sukarelawan yang telah sangat membantu di KOMA. Saya juga berterimakasih kepada semua pejuang yang sudah dengan sangat sopan dan sabar menanti perawatan dan suntikan . Terimakasih juga buat semua pejuang yang sudah memberi kemenangan di West Siberian Region. Thank you so much.