Thank you Japan!

Day 686, 07:06 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

This will be just a quick update letting you know what I am doing!

Yesterday was probably both nerve wrecking and tons of fun, depending on who you talk to. It was a close race for president, and I would like to congratulate my opponent for doing so well. There was a point in the day where we were only 5-7 votes apart! Thank you everybody for your vote of confidence and support! I guess the third time really is special. I hope that I can do the country proud and not make you regret electing me! 🙂

The process went smooth this morning. I woke up at server change and received all the organizations and passwords shortly after. Government channels are set up, the only thing that is left is to add the Economic Board and update the user groups on the forum, which should be done early today. Once this is done make sure to come by the forums!

I have added a few people to some parts of my cabinet. If there are any problems let me know via PM.

Official Cabinet:
Vice President - Tohru and Geno Garon
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Lauri Mursu
Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Walorm
Advisors - Anon Bliss, Nolan Pitler, Natsume Takahashi, Hitoshi Makoto, Sophia Forrester, Ciacho, Dokomo.
Minister of Defense - Kita Ikki
Secretary of Defense - Koppanyi Ferenc
Secretary of Culture and Events - Ember and Faeyas
Minister of Internal Affairs - Reiji
Secretary of Education - Metic
Secretary of Health - Goku Jones
Secretary of Immigration - Dokomo

Economic Board Chairman: Lauri Mursu
Economic Board Members: Phelps McManus, Tom Medelsvensson, Oligagon, Vorph, Huang Chung, smily132, Akki, Crawling Chaos, Kenji Fujimoto, Goku Jones, Sophia Forrester, Darshu.

I hope this was a satisfactory update, seeing as it is my first as president! More to some soon!

Always for Japan,

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”