Thank you for electing me in Indiana

Day 924, 11:24 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

I would like to thank all of the people that voted for me in Indiana on the 25th. I apologize that it has taken a bit to actually get this article out. I have been busy settling into congress, reading debates, going through the archives, and voting on current law proposals.

So you may be asking what's going on behind the closed doors of congress. Well most of what goes on is actually held in a public forum. That way you can watch us all bicker about each other and hopefully pass some important legislature. The constitution is a mess so we are working on a new draft that we will hopefully vote in later this month. We now take weekly membership roll calls and use that to determine the number of active congressmen so we can get our votes passed. We are now holding all congressmen accountable for there activity levels at the end of the month. If they don't show up for that important vote then they shouldn't be re-elected next month.

So apart from my congressional duties I am still very active in my party duties. I was recently promoted to QM in the EZC Militia. Also I am still the assistant director of the Federalist Outreach Program. Both are great positions as I get to work with many great people in my party. I want everyone to know I am not getting burnt out with my duties. I may be a little slower getting an article out but I am more than capable to get everything I need to done.