Thank You eOregon; Thank You eAmerica!

Day 1,497, 12:40 Published in USA Netherlands by lancer450

Hello again eAmerica,

Yesterday, Christmas Day, I was provided a mandate. That mandate was to serve the people of the eUnited States and the people of eOregon with integrity, veracity, truthfulness, and honour. I hope to represent the people of eOregon to the best of my abilities and become an active and reliable voice in the lower house.

I would like to thank those who voted for me in order to help this come to fruition. Thank you very much!

Trillium Lake

Crater Lake

Sunset over Malheur Butte


As per Jon Malcom's request. 😉

I’m going to miss the beauty and grandeur of eOregon whilst serving on Capitol Hill with all of its infighting and craziness. I vow to return as often as possible. 🙂
