Thank you eIsrael

Day 1,082, 07:48 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Thank you eIsrael for voting me in for a second term in office. I promise I will not let you down.

I would like to congratulate sam and a good election and wish him all the best. Now down to business....

First My Cabinet.

Vice President - Rheinlander

Rhinelander served as my Minister of Finance during my first term and has a huge resume of experience in the eUS and here in eIsrael. He did a fantastic job as MoF and being a good friend of mine and a capable individual I saw no better a person to fill this role.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - John Jay

John Jay has been serving as a Knesset member in eIsrael during my first term. He has shown himself to be quit a capable individual proposing everything from Tax Reform to Knesset Regulations. When I got to met him personally I learned of his Background. He has served as president of eSigapore twice and numerous Ministry and high level government positions during his long international career in eRepublik. This includes 6x VP, 3x MOFA, and 6x MoD. He has history in Foreign Affairs serving this position before in Singapore and with his many International contacts makes him a valuable asset to eIsrael.

Minister of the Interior - George Griffin

George Griffin. Another talent up and coming individual who has shown to be a capable hard worker. He has served in my government as Secretary of the Department Of Immigration helping set up an Immigration Program to bring active talented people to eIsrael. He has proven himself to be loyal and dedicated to his job and I see no better candidate for the position.

Minister of Defense - Matan9010

Matan9010 is one of my best friend in eRepublik. We go back to the glory days of UZP. He has been with me through the toughest of times showing himself to be a great friend and comrade. He has served as VP and MoD before and has done a great job during my first term. He will continue to impress me going into my second term and Im glad to have him back with us serving on the team.

Minister of Finance - e70mdII

e70mdII (Tom) has been another longtime friend of mine. He has served in the eUK as a Budget Adviser in the MoF, Deputy Minister of Finance, and the MoF Exchange Trader. He is a wealth of Knowledge in this field and will be helping in the new economic and financial reforms I plan for this term.

Now my cabinet is filled with all new faces and personalities. No old recycled politicians and power players. New Enthusiastic hard workers to bring eIsrael forward. Something I lacked in my Previous Cabinet. I have already had a cabinet meeting and we have discussed and planned our course of action for this term.

On the Foreign Front we have a simple straightforward plan of action and priorities. A continuation of my previous Terms policy.

- Be granted Full member Status in EDEN is of the utmost importance. This is both a Diplomatic and Military focus as they will not accept a country with a weak Military despites calls from certain high level voices to simply disband the eIDF that Myself and others including Pantherthug, Beagleboy, and Matan9010 worked so hard to fix and create.

- Maintain strong relations with our traditional allies in EDEN and maintain strong relations with countries in Brolliance and ONE on a country by Country basis. Our focus should also be regional with emphasis on Greek, Cypriot and Croatian relations.

- Establish a 4th MPP with USA which is already in the works and discussion.

- Establish a strong ambassadors program to increase our reputation and relations internationally aswell as get new players active in Government.

Domestic Front:

- Create a strong well organized transparent and bilingual new player Educational System. I need to call for support of this plan from both sides of the political spectrum if it is too work. This plan educational system needs to be De Politicized if it is to work. This educational plan needs to emphasis activity first and more advanced aspects of the game aswell including doing well in eIsraels Economic landscape and how to get involved in government. This will be a top priority during my term.

- Continue to strengthen and national forums as the Hub of our eIsrael Community.

- Create paths to lead new players to become active participating members of government including Internship and deputy positions. This in an attempt to create a new wave of active eIsraelis.

- Establish and maintain a strong immigration operation to encourage the immigration of talented and active individuals to eIsrael to strengthen our activity community and even Economy.

Economic Front:

- Tax Reform tax Reform tax Reform. We need Tax Reform in eIsrael if we want a stable economy and landscape for workers consumers and company owners. We need lower Import Taxes to encourage foreign investment and competition and allow a cheaper flow of materials into our nation. This will drive the cost of food prices down something everyone has complained about and blamed me for without wasting or losing government money on huge money sucker projects like Government Companies.

- Fisical Responsibility. Maintain a healthy treasury and no wasteful government spending will always be a key principle of my philosophy and government.

Military Front:

- Continue to maintain the eIDF. No Disbandment under my Presidency as some have called for.

- Expansion of the eIDF. Make the eIDF Mandatory for all members of my government and hopefully Knesset. Follow this up with a major recruitment drive we can start to see a increase in the size and activity of the eIDF.

- Under my previous term we set up the organizational hierarchy and leadership with delegated responsibilities and duties. With the organization and base structure in place for a stable long term eIDF we can now focus on expansion.

- Use the eIDF as a learning tool for new players and a reason to keep them active.

- Continue to Push the admins to place our hospital and defense systems down that they have up till now neglected to do. We will not waste money on stuff we already have just because of the incompetency of the admins.

That pretty much sums it up. Some is new some carries over from my previous term. I hope everyone likes this.

I would like to offer my hand to Sam Krakower and the Likud Party to take part in this coalition government made up of ICP I3 and Israel First. Unity is important and we need all the help we can get if we want to move this country forward together.

Again I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and giving me their support. I promise not to let you down.

Also the attempt to Impeach me hours into my Presidency is uncalled for disrespectful and out right ridiculous. I call for all eIsraelis on both sides to vote this down immediately. Also Im glad that multi accounts used to sabotage the election where caught and banned by the admins.

Evidence besides eyewitness accounts:

My side of the election was clean.

Am Yisrael Chai
