Thank you eIreland.

Day 1,752, 10:44 Published in Ireland Norway by ivan.europe

Greeting my fellow eIrish friends,
In the last few months I decided to continiue my career in eRepublk by becoming an eIrish citizen. In these months I achived many goals:
1.I earned 5 True Patriot medals while I fight for Ireland in various campaigns against the enemies of Ireland.
2.I earned 2 Battle hero medals in my division - the second one was when I fought for Ireland in the Resistance war in Scotland
3.For almost a year and a half I had to wait for this - in eIreland I finally became a member of the congress.
But the last few weeks were very tough for me. I have been blamed(as a member of the ICA) for breaking the rules during the Bulgaria-Argentina war. Personaly I don't like Argentina and Turkey, but those blames came too much. During the Poland-Ireland war, we struggled and EDEN did nothing to at least help under some form. And so I have had enough from this.
So it is time our ways to go in different paths. It is time for me to move on. I would like to thank the citizens of eIreland for those months, when I was eIrish. Also I would like to thank sawc, Ethel Rosenberg, ChewChewShoe, MUFC92(who eSuicided earlier), HateFul, Thanatos the Magnificent, Winston Hope Smith, Marcus Suridius, Marinko Margarin and many others for having me here in Ireland. Also thanks to the ICA. It was pleasure for me to be part of this MU after all we have been trough.
If you need help in your battles, it will be allways a great pleasure to fight for you.