Thank you Edinburgh!

Day 275, 08:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by jerryGFL

Dear citizens of Edinburgh,

first of all I want to thank everyone who turned up and voted in the elections. 25% of our population voted altogether which is al ittle more than the national average. However i highly doubt that we only have 25 active citizens, so hopefully in the next elections we will have a higher turnout!

Secondly thanks to all of you who voted for me. I am honored that you put my trust in me and will do my best to let Edinburgh prosper.
In my first days in office i will go about setting up the council, where I will have 1-2 councillors that can help me running the region.
Then within the first week i should recieve the NHS budget and will start gifting active citizens.

I want to make clear again, that you can message me at anytime about any problem you might have. be it with your employer or any other query that you might have.

I will constantly update you about my actions as mayor, so isuggest that you suscribe to this newspaper!

Thank you and I am hoping for a successfull term in office!

