Thank You EDEN and Terra

Day 1,497, 05:56 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

The last couple of months have been hard on the Danish people. We have not known what would happen to our country and therefore what to expect in the future. We still do not know what to expect in the future, but we know we have good friends in EDEN and Terra.

Sweden had gone berserk in madness under their now former President Jim Parsons. It was very clear, that neither Norway nor Denmark would be able to get any help from Sweden, when it came to getting rid of the PTOers of our countries. Especially not when it became very clear, that Jim Parsons was behind at least the PTO of Norway.

We asked EDEN for help, Terra via Russia was involved and a plan was formed. Right as the plan was begun carried out, something very unexpected happened. Ireland declared Denmark as Natural Enemy. We had no idea this was going to happen, neither did EDEN and suddenly our plans were ruined. Having Russia take Denmark would not be possible when Ireland was going to take it and that was not a good thing.

But, beekaks the Finnish President told us (well mainly me (Flitwick)) to calm down and asked, what if Ireland held Denmark?
This would do. This would actually do very well, as we would then be wiped before the election and "only" had to make sure no regions were liberated before the election was over.

Maine Coon contacted the Irish President and they agreed on Ireland holding Denmark.
Serbia resisted a lot at times. They several times tried to liberate Midtjylland so they could get their own people into congress and take control, but all resistance was slaughtered. Denmark now has no congress and all this would not have been possible without Ireland, Russia, Finland and Romania. Now we can only hope that the Serbian PTOers understand, that we do not want them in Denmark and we would rather have EDEN and Terra take control of our regions forever, than letting PTOers play around in it.
So, please leave. Thank you.

I would like to thank EDEN and Terra on behalf of Denmark for your help on this election. I know you tried to help Norway all you could too, but unfortunately this failed. I hope that our brothers Norway will soon be PTO free. This will take a lot of help from EDEN and Terra too, but it might be a lot easier in the future, now that Sweden has a sane President again and is now willing to not screw over their neighbors every chance they get.

Once again, thank you EDEN and Terra. You have Denmark's allegiance.

Best Regards and Merry Holidays from,
Flitwick of Denmark