Thank you Croatians for making this game fun again

Day 1,428, 12:10 Published in Croatia Slovenia by Ice Killa

When we think back in time, what was happening with this game, we can only think of global domination of ONE. Serbia successfully managed to find their way to most of the eRepublik continents except South America and Africa, a truly magnificent achievement that can be envied. That is the short story before the changes arrived.

Croatia woke up and the Marvellous 4 - they are depicted on the picture, turned the tide of the game. Slowly Croatian war machine managed to get their way to Italy and onto Spain and Mexico in the forthcoming months.

Marvellous four - FanaticZD, Romper, Atea, Argrob

FanaticZD testing his strenghts and newly acquired gold.

Slovenia can only congratulate your attempts and determination to achieve something that hasn't ever been attempted nor done so far in the Croatian history in this game. You made this game fun again, even for the Serbs that are your everlasting enemies, they will make sure you won't get loose and will seek to abolish your attempts(as would the whole ONE) of writing your own history, like Serbia did many times and had many golden eras. That is truly what you should be proud on, Serbian goals to get rid of you in the western sphere is what drives this game forward and you are the ones guilty for it!

Your enemies can blame tanks for what you reached, but hey, let's face the truth, they use and have them too. Serbia is just one of many beside you that relies on their few individuals in tough times, so does Macedonia, Poland as well. At the end it's their decision to tank even if it may seem pointless at times, not for you, you reached your dreams and went beyond them. Chilling on the Mexican beaches, drinking tequilas, it can sure depict the success you made.

Enough of praises. As for us, Slovenia will seek to deminish your power in the west alongside ONE and we sure hope game called eRepublik will be fun in the future as it is in these moments. All that counts is fun, you are right - as Apachy once said, and you made your points and stand beside them. Make things role they way they are supposed to, do not worry about others and do it your way.

Best regards,
Howly aka Ice Killa representing Slovenian government