Thank you Chicco!

Day 475, 13:30 Published in Germany Austria by H. S. Dovewatch

I am simply writing this article to show how happy I am that this union has been made.
I thought the discussions would go on forever. But I, for once, was wrong and it has FINALLY happened. Hurray!

I sit here remembering the shout I posted three months ago, saying we need a coalition of the central European states. I remember the take over of the Serbian Azoo Lazzo, and how I fled to Germany only to be called back by Chicco who, in his manifesto, called for a Union with a neighbor. I remember all the newspaper articles on it, and, like I said before, how I thought the discussions would never end.
I remember actively supporting the union while the Hungarian breathed down our necks, but we managed to headbutt them aside in the elections, and then I remember assisting Chicco along with old friends like the Fantastical Torgo and the Thoughtful Kretchmar, and then near the end standing along side Maaris and Lubita. Then the German Soldiers finally entered our beautiful land and began a systematic occupation. Finally, I remember being incredibly expedient and fleeing to Germany just so I could get my hard worker medal.
So yes, Austria and Germany, BFFL (best friends for life).

But all of this means nothing, It was Chicco who did everything.
He negotiated, he liaised and he reigned sovereign almost to the bitter end. He kept Austria afloat during some of it's hardest times despite the fact he is a business man before he is a politician.
I therefore would like to offer my most sincere gratitude to our last legitimate but most of all glorious leader Chicco. Though it can't be properly official or anything, I hope people understand that this comes from the bottom of my and many other Austrians eHearts.
I wish you all the best in anything, anywhere, anytime for ever.
Thank you Chicco!