Thank you!

Day 1,950, 06:59 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Alfadi

Thank you for introducing Gold Mines!
Thank you for making this game more competitive for smaller countries!
Thank you for giving people a reason to leave big countries and come in small countries and give up their opportunity to get gold!
Thank you for giving one more reason for people to baby boom!
Thank you for the gold offer that allows us to be more efficient in our wars against countries with 100x more citizens!
Special thanks from countries in Africa and Oceania that while they were neglected they ll have a chance to compete a bigger country on your great feature "Airstrike!" and probably be permanently wiped for the next months!
Thank you for this one time offer in the left of my screen! I think i ve seen it last month too but maybe its my Alzheimers.
Thank you for Guerilla fights! Who cares if i get matched with 43k strength people with constant 3 bonus damage! It's so balanced and not bugged at all!

Thank you for making this game more awesome and interesting for us!

"If you are not paying for it, you are the product"