Thank You!

Day 800, 21:16 Published in Australia Australia by Astintus

Hello eGirls and eGuys

Well after an huge voting day some how i found enough REAL people actually like me and voted for me. I just hope that I can fulfill and exceed their expectations of me and make a positive active impact on eAustralia (in other words hopefully i don't screw up too much 😛)

Thank you for all those who voted for me and i hope you come talk to me if you have any ideas or issues 🙂

In more good news my ePiC Blue Rayne (Girl with the Cupcakes) also got elected in South Australia. YAY! So you can just imagine the conversations we have throughout the day while I'm in between jobs and she is in between cooking 🙂 (Rum balls and Cupcakes)

I remember starting this game on day 718 which for most means I'm a real noob but over the last 82-83 days I've made some new friends, gone from clicking for about 15mins a day to poring over the forums every free second and chatting on the IRC until late in the night (which i feel every morning at 6am when i get for work)

Sitting down and thinking about how much time I spend now on eRepublik it's almost like working a second job and not getting paid 😛

But both me and BR are quite taken with this little eWorld and its ePeople and hope to remain a valued part for as long as you will have us.

Thank You and Goodnight

Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.