ThüTS Ausgabe 2 - MoC Kreativwettbewerb [ENG]

Day 1,559, 11:48 Published in Germany USA by Dragon77er

Picture 4 got 33 votes and so the winner of the first MOC creativ competition is Teammensch. He gets 10 gold.

22 votes for picture 1 takes Edelmann on the second place. He gets 7 gold.

The thrid place goes to ArisaChan with 14 votes for her picture 5. She gets 4 gold.

Picture 2 drawn by Loewenherz and picture 3 drawn by Grodolfus are getting each 1 gold of my own.

Thanks for donation of 10 gold by Hunnensohn, 6 gold by Gregus and 5 gold by Albadon.

Dragon77er & the MOC