TGV- Gecko1 Shares His Thoughts & More- Day579

Day 579, 14:46 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis
Welcome to the Grunder Voxcaster. Today's Headlines

~Gecko1 Provides an Insight Into His Campaign
~Department of Defence to release list of successful 'Boot Camp' applicants
~Civil Strife in eKorea

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eAustralian News

Interview with Gecko1

In today's issue, we begin to interview several possible senatorial candidates, so you, my readers, may receive a better insight into their campaign and what they stand for. Today, we have Gecko1, a member of the Australian Communist Party, and a senatorial hopeful for the state of Victoria.

-Now firstly, how long have you been on eRepublik, and what are your interests?-
I started playing in October of 2008. I continued to play until around December. I went inactive until about a week and a half ago because of unresolved political problems in South Africa as well as a bad business investment. I enjoy working with money, and I have started to make some larger investments totaling in 11 gold. I also enjoy engaging in political debate. However, I find Australia’s political sector to be very timid compared to South Africa’s.

I have not held any official positions in erepublik yet. I was about to be chosen for venture capital to support the resistance in South Africa but the plan was scrapped at the last moment. I did participate in many debates in the old South Africa, but I never did run for congress as I figured that the few seat open should be forfeited to the leaders of the resistance.


Being a senator is a call to arms in my opinion. Senators are supposed to be the agents of progress and the enemies of complacency. Because of the fluid nature of politics and economics in erepublik nations must always keep on their toes to stay ahead of the curve. I am a staunch supporter of the “master plan” school of thought. The government is different from private firms in that 1. it’s premier goal is the welfare of all citizens and 2. that it can use taxes to fund massive programs. Using this doctrine it becomes apparent that senators are meant to facilitate the development of such programs.

-In what way will you help change eAustralia?
I will expand upon the ideas that I have already mentioned in previous articles.
1. The restructuring of the Australian military into a divisional system.
This involves the creation of ten man divisions each led by one commanding officer. These divisions would be grouped into armies, ideally of three divisions. The government weapons company will supply each division with weapons. The main goal of a switch to this system would allow for a more efficient organization of troops. The Drop Bears and ACUK would not fade from existence but rather they would be transformed into “ 1st army “Drop Bears” ” and “ 2nd reserve “ACUK.” This system would allow us to expand the Australian military from just these two elite groups to having a host of normal infantry armies, reserve armies, and even militias. In addition a better organization of supply could be accommodated. If there is a mission that requires more powerful weapons, q5 for instance. The government could contract 90 q5 weapons from a private weapons company and then send in one division from the 1st army and have each man fight three times dealing upwards of 2200 damage after the conclusion of the mission. In addition attacks could be timed so that battle becomes more uniform. With one regiment attacking in one hour, and then the second regiment attacking in the following hour and so on. On the subject of multi-front wars, infantry organization would be made easier. Rather than throwing hordes of men at a war on their own, armies could be delegated to certain fronts so that overkill is minimized.

2. The political emergence of Australia on the international scene.
This would include asserting Australian political opinion over certain countries. Although we are in effect following a forced isolationist policy due to the status of our regions in Indonesia we can start compiling foreign policy goals now. The rest will be fleshed out once the last two Indonesian held territories are released.

3. The efficient redirection of excess product from government owned companies.
This means that excess government produce would be sold in the most efficient way possible. This could also mean keeping government warehouses of goods so that they can be released at a discount in the event of a shortage.
4. Facilitating the growth of the Australian export sector.
Eventually the Australian private sector will be saturated with goods from a growing industry. An Australian export market would be ideal to continue economic growth and individual prosperity. The government could offer loans to companies that are exporting overseas or tax incentives. Australia being neutral at the moment should seize the opportunity now.

-Finally, what action will you take if you are NOT elected into the Senate?-

If I am not elected to the senate I will continue to perfect these ideas and monitor the Australian situation. I will continue to suggest things to the government as an onlooker and I will attempt to be active in political discussions. I will continue my financial activity and try to operate some businesses in Australia and get ready for the next round of elections.
I feel honored to be your first interviewee

Thank you Gecko1 for our first interview!

Bootcamp Opens!

Today, the names of those selected to participate in the trial run of a new government scheme should be announced. The initiative, dubbed 'Boot Camp', aims to enrich newer players in the finer points of eRepublik warfare. If you are in the level 5-13 range, be prepared for more announcements about more Boot Camp course openings over the next couple of weeks from the office of the MoD.

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International News

More Freedom for eGermany

eFrance relinquishes the North Rhine-Westphalia region to eGermany through a resistance war. Furthermore, it seems that eGermany has released the region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the custody of eFrance. TGV will be watching the unfolding events closely over the next few days.

eSouth Korea Tensions Rise

More civil unrest the former eSouth Korea. A rebel leader of some notoriety, KJRad, has successfully divided opinions and is the apparent cause of the turmoil. A resistance war in the Jeollanam-do region was successfully crushed by a combination of soldiers hailing from both the eJapanese army and former eSouth Korean Loyalists, which were supported by the eJapanese Government. A propaganda war has also broken out, with both sides adding their respective opinions to the debate. Rebel articles claim that large sum of gold was spent attempting to put down the "unauthorized rebellion", while Government sources point out the agreement between the eSK and eJapan.

In an unusual twist, a Rebel newspaper released an article yesterday, thanking soldiers from eUSA for assistance they provided in their attempt to 'liberate' Jeollanam-do. The newspaper continues to read "We all knew [sic] this battle is doomed to lose now, yet many thanks to those who fought when it was still winnable and to those who fought after it was above the 30k wall range [...] like to thank this nation for helping us". It remains to be seen about the official position of the eUSA government to these comments.

Political Uproar in eIreland

Tensions are still high in eIreland, as citizens demand to know why congress was not informed of the mock war between eUK and eIreland. An Impeachment against the eIrish President was rejected two days ago with a final vote of 16-15 (Impeachment required a 66% yes vote to succeed). The debate on whether Nith should step down continues. Interestingly, such a debate does is not occurring in eUK.

eRepublik's First Furry Party!

No, it's not an error, eRepublik has it's first Furry Party. This political party, which stands for the rights and freedoms of being a 'furry', has fittingly been created in the historically conservative nation of ePakistan. Furthermore, the President of ePakistan is a member of this radical way of thinking. Only time will tell whether this party will survive with Pierric Bross at the helm of this different way of thinking.