Terribletiger for Yorkshire and Humberside

Day 882, 11:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger
Hey, as we all know the Congress Elections are looming above us, and around about this time you must be wondering: ‘Who should I vote for?’
Well, I am writing this to tell you why you should vote me into congress in Yorkshire and Humberside!

Overall I am a hard working and enthusiastic citizen in the eUK. Despite this being the first time I have ran for congress I have a clear vision of what I would want to change here and if you place your trust in me I can guarantee a better eUK for all!

Who are you?
I am Terribletiger (silly name I know, don’t laugh 😛).
Although I am a newer citizen to this game and this is the first time I am running in Congress I know what needs changing and will fight for that.
Other details about me:
I have been an Apprentice for the Ministry of Home Affairs once and Ministry of Work apprentice once.

In my second term (after the presidential elections) of being in the United Kingdom Reform Party I have contributed greatly in my and was awarded the
Media Award
And the
Party President Recognition Award
As you can see, I have not done much government work but have proved myself valuable in my party.
The party rewards show that I can contribute effectively and bring new ideas forward.

Why vote you?
Good question!
A vote for me is a vote for much needed education for newer citizens to develop into important contributors in the forums and elsewhere, this will be essential in V2 and will further the excitement in the eUK!
I believe that every citizen, old or new, have fresh ideas that need to be voiced. I will bring forward your ideas to meetings and will fight for them to improve our eCountry.

In conclusion to this awful (yet understandable) manifesto, I have one last thing to say:

UKRP candidate for congress Yorkshire & Humberside
P.S If you ever need any help with the game, feel free to message me and I will do the best I can do help you out!