Terribletiger for Yorkshire & Humberside! - August 2010

Day 1,007, 23:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger

Hey there Yorkshire & Humberside!
I am Terribletiger and today I am running for congress in your region under the UKRP banner.

I was elected to represent West Midlands last term and I hope to begin representing Yorkshire & Humberside this term in the House of Commons.
In this manifesto I will outline my ideas for Yorkshire & Humberside and tell you a bit about myself and hopefully, win your vote!

Previous Experience

- I am the International Alliance Secretary in the UKRP for my second term in a row.
- I am a Congress Member in West Midlands and was elected last term in East of England.
- 2x Under Minister of Recruitment (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- 1x Department of Recruitment apprentice (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- 2x Department of Education apprentice (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- 1x Ministry of Work apprentice
- I have been playing eRepublik for 188 days

Representing YOUR region
In the UKRP we believe that MP’s should stick by their promises and I have done just that.
Last term I only missed one vote in the House of Commons due to being on holiday with no internet access.
This term, if elected, I promise to be active in the http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=114>Yorkshire & Humberside Council and put forward good ideas for the future of Yorkshire & Humberside.
I will listen to your ideas for the region and put them forward for consideration.
I will help out my region as much as possible, like keeping the citizens updated on what’s going on with the council and mass mailing all of the residents for important information. Bashing some Canucks out of my region is also very important to me 😃.
The main promise I am going to make is to get the Y&H Council started up and active. More info on this when it has happened 😉.

Party Policies

As a party we vote on our policies together with an active discussion beforehand. We don’t argue but give constructive criticism to how the policy can be changed and made into something we all like and agree on.
To read our policies just click this:


I think I am a good candidate for congress. I have the ability to represent regions well in the House of Commons. I am a hard-working member of our community and can contribute ideas and my opinions on matters well.
I hope to receive your vote on the 25th!

If you have any questions at all about me, my party or my candidacy then please, don’t hesitate to mail me. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.


Your UKRP congress candidate
Today, Tomorrow, Together