Terribletiger for East of England!

Day 945, 05:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger

Hello, my name is Terribletiger, and I am the official candidate of the UKRP in the East of England
My real name is George, I live in the South West and am currently unemployed.
I have been playing eRepublik for over 90 days and have found the game interesting for one reason alone:
The Community.

Currently I am the under minister of Recruitment in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Before this I have been:
- Twice an apprentice in the Department of Education (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- Once an apprentice in the Department of Recruitment (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- Once an apprentice in the Ministry of Work

Here are the main policies of the UKRP and what I will fight to get done if elected as your local MP:

- Domestic Affairs:
We understand that each party has different policies/beliefs and we respect that because everyone should be allowed Freedom of Choice.

We believe that we should uphold a strong domestic presence with constant advertising to tell you how you can get involved and articles that will inform citizens on updates in parliament and also how your tax money is being spent

- Foreign Affairs:
We think that we have strong relations with Phoenix. Even when things seem to be going downhill we will always be there for our allies.
Our relations with Entente will continue to remain positive as they have shown themselves to be helpful and always willing to help.

We shall show neutral countries the respect they deserve and hope to receive the same respect in return. We believe that the enemies of your enemy is your best friend.

Other alliances will be treated as ‘neutral’ but we will be ready to act if they choose to take hostile actions towards our friends and allies.
The situation with EDEN – EDEN are our enemies and we shall continue to fight them for the security of our Nation and the nations in Phoenix

- Military Affairs:
We believe in fighting side by side. Friends will be there for friends and our National Army is there to do just that.
They represent our country in different military actions and should be respected by all the citizens of the eUK.
The army should also respect the eUK back for all the work they are doing at home and organizing the army.

That is my manifesto but also the UKRP’s manifesto. I am privileged to be able to run under the UKRP banner and I respect each of these policies.

Your UKRP candidate in the East of England
June 2010