Terribletiger 4 London [MERRY CHRISTMAS!]

Day 1,129, 06:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger

Hey there London, nice to see you!

My name is Terribletiger, I am the current Party President of the British Democratic Party and the Minister of Recruitment, I am running in London this term and I hope to receive your vote! Read our policies by clicking Here.

They print my name on moneyz now too!

I have served in many roles before, I have been an Apprentice in lots of Departments, ambassador twice and underminister in the MoHA quite a few times. My main achievements are:

Former Party President of the United Kingdom Reform Party
Party President of the British Democratic Party
Minister of Recruitment
Former Minister of Education

I’m so epic that people are painting me on the streets of London

Promises? Erm…
I can’t promise new Hospitals or Defence Systems for London because I don’t want to let my voters down, instead I promise you 100% attendance in the House of Commons and good representation for London. I am always active on IRC, forums and in-game so you can always get a hold of me one way or another to express your views on how the country should be ran.

Merry Christmas!

To end it all…

- I am awesome
- I want to make the eUK a better place for newbies
- I want to help bring in people to eRepublik, especially eUK
- I have fancy titles

I hope to be receiving your vote on the 25th in London for a better Britain! Oh, and, Merry Christmas 😛


Party President of the BDP
Minister of Recruitment

Don’t be afraid to Message Me with any questions you have whatsoever!