Tennis Anyone?

Day 546, 20:38 Published in Canada Canada by Citizen B


(This is the second article of the Independent eDaily News. Our first article was printed, loaded on the trucks but never made it to the newsstands. We will publish a back issue, sometime in the future.)

Here I sit in my cabin in Ontario. I have my camouflage fatigues on. My M16 is loaded. I have a few pistols, some clips, a bayonet, a field knife, and a few hand grenades. There is a foot locker full of ammunition by my side. I stare out the window with my binoculars. But I don't see any battle.

While I stare out the window, looking for a fight; the Canadian government has the blinds drawn, pretending that all is peaceful; pretending that what just happened to Romania, can't happen here. What a joke. As soon as Hungary, Indonesia, and the rest of the fascist, warmongering PEACE lovers figure out that we are defended like (RL) France defended their border with Belgium at the start of WWII - we will be rolled over as quickly as (RL) France was. It’s a shame too, because the RL Canadian Army in WWII, was much stronger and bolder than our eCanadian army, and helped save France from the fascists. Practice your Hungarian.

As I read the forums, and news, as well as look at the job market, I see many Canadian business owners calling out 'where are the workers with high wellness?' Before I moved to Canada, I kept my wellness at about 100 every day. It didn't cost me anything. All I had to do, was my public duty finding the battle and fighting (and healing) each day. Then I went to work, as productive as could be, and my employer was happy. Yet, here in eCanada, I am watching my wellness drop a point or so every day. Yeah, I could blow my cash on Q3 food, but I would rather save my pennies to one day hope to open my own firm. The fact is, that unless Canadian citizens want to spend all their money on food (or houses or gifts), their wellness is slowly draining. Forget about any new players that have just reached the fighting level having high wellness and being productive for their employers. Those people are lucky to have a 40 wellness, and beg for crumbs of bread and gifts, just to keep from dying.

The result is a lack of productivity and productive workers nationwide for Canadian businesses. This hurts our businesses and the Canadian economy as a whole. In turn, while other countries are growing their economies, we are slogging along - really falling behind. And so are our workers and entrepreneurs. Likewise, our defensive readiness is barely growing either. We could be turning corporals into sergeants, and privates into corporals. Not to mention, producing a per-capita share of Field Marshals and Generals, the proud Canadian Army so deserves. So be wary of a real war coming to eCanada. That's when we'll start polishing our guns, and learning how to march lock-step; but by then it will be too late.