Ten Tips for New Citizens

Day 482, 02:52 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

This article is targeted at those who are still relatively new and those who have recently joined us. The advice is based on my own experience (and mistakes) in eRepublik. Some of the advice, of course, is my own opinion and should be followed at one's own peril 🙂 Hope it helps.

1. Do not be discouraged at first by how limited your role in eRepublik is. When I first started all I did was sign in every day to work, train and buy food. A tedious daily task true, however one which requires very little time and effort. Now I run a Q2 Gift company, I fought in resistance battles in Austria and Australia, I just started a newspaper and I'm planning to become more involved in the political system. So bottom line, your initial consistent activity will be rewarded later.

2. Train every day. While you lose one wellness every time you train, in the long run, it is for the best. In doing so you can progress to strength five and achieve the rank of Super Soldier and receive five gold (provided you participate in a fight). Furthermore, you will be contributing to the defense of eIreland and in time you may even become a Ranger.

3. Be pro active. Join the forum: http://forum.erepublik-ie.com and make your voice heard. Also do not hesitate to reply to articles you are interested in. Have a problem with your employer, perhaps you want a raise for your high productivity or citizens with your skills are getting more wages etc... send the employer a mail. I have myself given a raise to employees who contacted me with a reasonable demand. Finally, when you reach level twelve and decide to run for congress, write a presentation and if you can publish a manifesto in an article.

4. Be careful which company you choose to work with. A two star (Q2) company may offer you better wages than a one star (Q1) company however you will lose twice as much wellness working there. So make sure if you are working with an upgraded company you get enough wages to purchase adequate food.

5. Wise Spending. When you reach level six and receive five gold you may be initially tempted to start a newspaper; I say consider your options. You could save the gold for the future when you have more options, you may use the gold to increase your wellness or you may even purchase a Q1 house which also increases your wellness. Remember high wellness makes for a more productive worker and also more damage in fights. I suggest you start a newspaper later as you will inevitably have more knowledge of eRepublik and will have read many examples of a good article. I know its only two gold but it can go a long way.

6. Don't be a 'Jack of all trades'. While it may be resourceful to have skills in construction, land and manufacturing I suggest sticking with one area. If suddenly they are no jobs or good wages in an area with your attained skill don't jump to another area, stick it out and wait. Jobs come on and off the market throughout the day and wages go up and down just as fast. Developing one area of expertize will get you to better wages faster. Where it stands, manufacturing is clearly the place to be.

7. If you are going to start a company I suggest consulting this website: http://www.ereptools.pl first. I wouldn't advise starting a raw material company however if you must, buy an existing one on the market cheap, you have the option to change the name and avatar of the company. Also, if you have enough gold, I suggest you start an organization to run the company, that way your citizen will still be able to work and travel abroad. Make sure you have enough money for wages and raw materials when you start a company.

8. This may sound like mundane advice but do not purchase items you do not need. A weapon may seem like a cool item to have however in peace time they are useless and chances are the state will provide them in case of a war. A gift will not increase your wellness, you may use it only to increase another citizen's wellness. Finally, if you want to go sight seeing in Mexico, make sure you have a moving ticket to get back.

9. http://wiki.erepublik.com If you haven't visited the site already, it contains a lot of fundamental information about eRepublik.

10. Take care of yourself. Contact the Health Minister: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1203707 with the message “I would like to apply for your gifting program.” This will help you if you're an active citizen whose wellness falls below 50.

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