Teh drunken antics...

Day 1,053, 01:50 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

I have seen far too few of them!

I, nyslef, have participated on multiple occasions, but all I hear of you imbibers in eCan, is the ocassional Tem v. Fox battle for Lise's heart. WTF is up with that?

IMO, eCan is in much need of drunken antics. Both to amuse, and to focus on. I can guaranteee....that depending on friends, and women I can pick up, that I will bring you many of these so-called drunken antucs.

For example, my good friend Sartonian has recently flown in from Manitoba for a weekend of the largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany.

There are far few articles that are made while under the influence, and I blame many people for that. What happened to the erep of last year, where there was at least one drunk article per night? I must say, I miss those days 🙁

Anyhow, I should probably crash, since I need to be awake in 4 hours to get ready for tapping of the keg (official Oktoberfest opening ceremonies)

To the hopefully large amount of articles that come out,