TDE | A Congressional Roundup

Day 5,606, 07:36 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Good day, and welcome back to another edition of the Daily Exclaimer, where I keep you informed. This episode we are going to be talking about the newly minted Congress.

As you are (hopefully) aware, Congressional elections have recently been certified by the Admins and the new Congress has been inaugurated, yours truly included among the ranks of those entrusted with the powers of the purse under our eConstitution and Code.

For the first time since October of last year, my beloved and (very) sexy Federalist Party has been entrusted by the voters with the largest share of votes, granting the Federalists the largest share of Congressmembers. This election represents a renewed trust from the populace in one of the oldest political institutions in the eUSA.

Before the election, I had asked the voters to deliver a mandate to govern to the Federalist Party, with a simple platform: work with President Custer to pass his legislative agenda and kickstart our community engagement. I'm happy to report, dear readers, that under Melissa Rose's leadership, the party has been delivered with that mandate to govern.

Party leadership, and the new Congressional delegation is grateful to the voters for delivering this election victory. We would also like to thank the other parties who have participated in this election, recognizing their importance in the governing process and the strength that they bring to the table.

Because of their fierce electoral competition, this game is fun and engaging for players. Together, this new government can truly be a force for good. Together, a government of national unity can work with President Custer and kick the engine of engagement and player retention into high gear.

Together, let's make this game fun.
