TC Interviews: 1st Lt. CrucifixPandaNinja

Day 1,048, 11:55 Published in USA USA by Synesi
TC Interviews: CrucifixPandaNinja

Interview by Morrigan Alexandros.

Hello CPN, how are you?
LT_CPN: Hello, I'm eating bamboo but I do that all the time 😃

Enjoy! So, what does CPN stand for, for those that don't know you?
LT_CPN: Crucifixpandaninja XD

When did you join the Training Corps?
LT_CPN: Well, I joined a couple days after making my account. I was the common newbie, except I was a newbie that was told to ATO. I saw a newspaper that told me to ATO so I did what they told me to do, but the thing was, they forgot to send me 2 tickets. Soon, I was trying to afford a moving ticket, but since I was only level 1 in my land skill, I had a low wage and couldn't afford another one easily. By the time I bought one, I moved to a random country, but it turned out that country was at war with US so I couldn't move back. However, LT Secret Avenue, was nice enough to save my elife and sent me gifts along with tickets, slowly healing me back to 90.

Ok, is that how you got into TC? by acquaintance?
LT_CPN: I saw a newspaper, and wanted to get more involved with the game, because I was slowly losing interest in it.

So, what was basic training like?
LT_CPN: Well, I had a couple tests that I was really nervous about. I was afraid that I would fail the test but it turned out that I had actually passed them all. 🙂 I think it's nice that trainees can learn about the past wars in Erepublik, helps them to learn about the history of US.

Then you were placed on a platoon, which was it?
LT_CPN: I was first placed in the 121st coyotes, but after passing the tests, I was transfered to the 303. The 303 Skullcrushers were actually what kept me in this game. I went on IRC, and met hilarious people that kept me laughing each time I went on IRC.

What are your current TC obligations?
LT_CPN: x) I'm the CO of the 302 Sentinels, which I also used to be an XO of under Necros Xiaoban. cough cough we're better then the other platoons cough. I handle any questions trainees give me. I also try to train an XO that will hopefully be able to handle his or her own platoon. If they ask me too, I'll send them food for healing, and I try to get them on IRC as much as possible. Right now, I want to try to help with whatever there is for me to do, companies, IRC activities, whatever I can do.

So, now onto the serious accusations. Major Tim Cannon has accused you of eating Col Relin's furniture. What do you say to that?
LT_CPN: Uhm..I blame Relin for placing sugared bamboo inside his sofa..or at least that's what Charles Howe told me. 😣 And he stole my cookies, so that is a valid excuse.

So, now you are blaming Charles?
LT_CPN: hm..yeah, I guess. Why not? XD He keeps slapping me with a "rainbow trout". That poor rainbow trout..I wonder if it's dead..

I thought you would have eaten it by now.
LT_CPN: nah, I hate trout. They're too slimy. And pandas can't cook, so I have to get humans to do it for me. And as we can all tell, humans have VERY bad body odor compared to us very good smelling pandas.

Right...As I recall you have issues and I used placed you on diapers.
LT_CPN: uhm..that pooping incident in cannons office wasn't my fault...someone poisoned my bamboo stash.

You did it in my office to!
LT_CPN: hm..well...everyone has to poop every once in a while 🙂

* LTG_Morrigan_Alexandros rolls eyes

Moving you have any wise words for TC applicants?
LT_CPN: Join the military, you won't regret it. The most important thing is IRC. The social aspect of the game is what keeps people in.


DoD, Oct 3
WHPR, Nostalgia Alert
[TC Reports: Interview with Major Tim Cannon

Join the USTC. Application.