TC Classifieds: [FER Chronicles] Skirmish in the Forest

Day 1,033, 10:24 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon
Dear Reader,

You have probably read my work before, but I have yet to write about the brave men and women who are enlisted in the Training Corps. They work their tushes off everyday, and now I will let you into their world, if you choose it. This series will depict the mission of the TC Officers fighting in Far Eastern Russia. It will be divided into several chapters. Here are their stories:

Chapter One ~Skirmish in the Forest~

The early-morning dew quickly blanketed the thick, dense taiga with a lifeless mood. Dio was sobbing from above; each tear making already dead forest feel even more frozen to the senses. The only life was the mist rising from the ground, nonchalantly dancing rhythmically with the rain in order to mock the pity forest. Silent.

General Bia Pandora surveyed the area in prone, her lush hazel eyes fixed on the trail in front of her. Visibility was nonexistent, and the terrain was worsening. She could feel the ground below her falling apart. She glanced down at her radar, which caught some activity in the few hundred yards ahead. She signaled her squadron to advance with purpose, not losing sight of her vital radar.

One by one, each soldier sluggishly inched forward, away from the precious cover of the brittle trees. The hojpoj of sharp twigs and wet leaves hindered their progress, pleading for them not to continue on, but the soldiers knew what they were fighting for. They were all weak from the long night, but they knew they had to trudge on.

"Russian Intelligence should be a few more minutes ahead of us. Jankems will not be pleased with us unless we return to base camp with the Plans of Deployment. Cadets: remain silent and keep as low to the ground as you can," whispered General Bia Pandora carefully under her breath.

Out of nowhere, a nearby blast erupted, sending a blast of shock waves surging through the whole forest floor. The explosion released a putrid odor so horrid that it made Killerballerina revisit her horrid memories of garbage duties at base camp. The entire team dug their faces under their arms, now regretting not to bring gas masks with them.

"What was that!?" squealed Lieutenant Howe, his eyes watering up.

"I'm sorry guys... I kind of tooted just now. We had to leave camp in a hurry to reach today's checkpoint, so I didn't have time to use the restroom. You know us hobbits, we always have junk in our trunk," replied Lieutenant HobbitTon, coming up with the littlest excuse he could find. His face was flushed pink from embarrassment.

Using instinct, Bia Pandora quickly looked at her radio, still holding her breath. Instantly, her face turned into horror and then rage. She quickly grabbed her sleek pink assault rifle and popped up.

"HobbitTon! You idiot! You have compromised this entire operation! The Russians have found us! My radar is going crazy. Quickly! Find cover and get your ammunition ready. We’re greatly outnumbered," ordered Bia Pandora, her veins lined with adrenaline.

Killerballerina and Jasper Signa bolted towards nearby trees, their faces marked with fear. Howe and Bia Pandora made their way towards a large stone ditch adjacent to the area. The ditch was stone cold, but it provided decent coverage against aerial attacks. Bia Pandora peered through one of the cracks in the ditch and saw HobbitTon, still standing in his original position.

"HobbitTon! We're gonna have a bad day if this continues! Find some cover! That's an order!" yelled Bia, her attitude becoming less patient by the second.

"I am frozen Ma'am. I cannot move," replied HobbitTon in a soft tone. Then HobbitTon collapsed.


There was no life; There was no death. There was no sun; There was no moon. HobbitTon lay there, but not in the forest anymore. The area was colorless, no animal stirred, but there was sand. An ocean of sand stood still beneath HobbitTon, but he wasn't at the beach. After feeling the flowing of the sand, HobbitTon came back to his senses.

He looked around, and saw nothing. He was all alone, and so, he wept.

"My dear friend, why are you crying?" asked a strange man, startling HobbitTon.

The man was not there a few seconds earlier. His face was calm, as if all the suffer in the world had vanished. An elegant yellow gown covered most of his muscular body, somewhat reminding HobbitTon of Gandelf the Grey from back home. Except he was tall and muscular instead of tall and lanky. His beautiful blond hair was messy, but it was hidden behind his gentile attitude.

“I am dead. Of course I would cry. Who are you?” said HobbitTon, wiping his tears from his irritated eyes.

“My friend, you are not dead. You are very much alive. This is my sanctuary. My name is Dio Brando, and I have called you here today for some grave news,” admitted Dio. His expression shifted into a slightly sadder one like a boy who didn’t get their lollipop at the candy store.

“My friend”, he continued, “Your squadron will fight valiently against the Russians, but in the end, one of them will die a peaceful death...”

“I will not let that happen!” exclaimed HobbitTon, “My squadron is filled with some of the finest soldiers in the Training Corps. I’ll make sure everyone stays alive,”

“You can try my friend, but please, I just didn’t want to make it tough on you,” promised Dio.

HobbitTon closed his eyes shut. He didn’t want to be here anymore. He was tired and hungry. After spending sometime thinking about what the man just said, he lay there. The sands slowly covered his body, and each grain was like Dio’s grace. He just wanted to go to sleep.


HobbitTon could hear screaming. It took him a few seconds to find out that it was him. It had seemed that he had been in the middle of the skirmish the entire time, but he was fortunately pulled to safety by Bia Pandora. He could hear an exciting exchange of gunfire the makeshift barracks and the Russians.

“I might have a personal grudge against you, but you’re not that bad of a kid. I had to keep you alive for another day. You were out for sometime,” said Bia Pandora shooting very accurately between the pair of trees, “What happened?”

“Uhh, I must have passed out. Ugh, sorry, Ma’am. How are you holding them off?” said HobbitTon as he got to his feet. What just happened to him was still plaguing his mind. Pictures of a random soldier dieing was scaring him, but he knew he couldn't should that to his peers.

“Howe went to go assist Killerballerina and Jasper Signa a little bit to the west. Help me out would you? These Russians seem to be a little tipsy for some reason, so they should be easy targets,” said Bia Pandora.

HobbitTon put up his gun, which felt heavier than usual. He heard some shots in the far left and easily took out a Russian. The wind was picking up, so it was harder to shoot effectively, but he still keep going on. After a few minutes, the firefight seemed to stop.

"It looks like we got the Russians. Let's reach the Russian Intelligence before they sound the alarms. Affirmatve?" asked Bia Pandora through her radar which also acted as a very useful communicative radio.

"Bia Pandora! Code Red! Code Red! Killerballerina has been hit! She has been hit! She's losing consciousness! We need medical support now!" cried out Jasper Signa.

HobbitTon's skinning raised, his heart about to break. It looked like Bia Pandora let out a tear, but it was probably the reflection of the rain. Both of them raced towards the west in search for their comrades' positions. It didn't take them long, and it looked like Killerballerina was gravely wounded. She had a severe puncture wound on the neck, but she wasn't bleeding. She died peacefully and quick.

"She is with Dio now," said HobbitTon.

Now, before you call me a kill freak. This is a work of fiction! She did not die, but I just did that simile because she has gone "quit" this game. You are always remembered.

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