TBP ~ the essence of a dream

Day 620, 04:01 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

The True Blue Party, under the leadership of corny-ratbag and with such influential people in it have risen from the depths of a fractured and destroyed party and have raised it up into what is a power to contend with in the political arena. Many people see TBP as centre orientated party whose main ideals are to help that of the common man toiling away in the hot sun each day, as well as making it a great environment for people to come and set up their own business in search of greater fortunes.

TBP focuses on not just industry, but have also had strong military ties with many of its members having held high positions in the defence cabinets, and its own Santic who is the leader of the greatest fighting force in the world – the fully sick chk chk boom boys.

MachineMadness is also a key member of TBP and who can forget his work in the release of australia as well as being awesomely buff. TBP is also home to scoty, one of the most annoying 16 year olds. But also incredibly experienced in a multitude of roles around all facets of political life and of course, how could we forget the greatest drunk of all BenP.

And while many people see the small amount of people leaving TBP after they burst on the scene as weakness. We true TBP’ers know that this is simply a tactical design they have employed to make others think that we are weaker then we truly are.

It is time for us proud TBP’ers to once again raise our flags up high and with pride that can only be measured from space and say to the masses that have seemed to improve while we only linger on the sidelines awaiting our return in to full flight. That they may out vote us, they may attempt to rubbish us and disprove our claims. But what we speak and preach is not lies and deceit, but holy dogma. And that those who listen and learn from the teachings of our learnerd and experienced will ascertain a higher understanding and appreciation of the game and shout at the non-aligned masses that we are here, we are proud we are TRUE BLUE and that’s a promise that i share and a sentiment that we all make. United as one for the greater good of every citizen in eAustralia.


Join today!!!

by Santic - TBP PR Team

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