TBP Newsletter [Issue 1]

Day 589, 01:11 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

G'day Fellow eAustralians

Not long now the Prime Minister elections will commence within eAustralia. As True Blue Party is the second largest party in eAustralia, we have decided to not say who we are supporting for Prime Minister until close to voting date.

Much discussion has happened on the True Blue Party private forums about who to support, but.......we will not announce it until the time is right.

If you are a True Blue Party member and want to be involved in these discussion sign up to the forums as soon as possible, we need you there. Current discussion is located here for members already signed up.
How to sign up:
Forum Address
Video and Sound Tutorial - How to sign up.
Step by Step:
- Sign up to the eAustralia Official forums. Found here: http://forum.auserepublik.com/
- Fill out all necessary paper work to get your username signed up.
- Once you have signed up progress to the Political discussion page.
- When inside search for the “Join TBP’s private forums” click that and follow the steps of how to join.
- Shortly your application will be accepted into our Party.

If you would like to join True Blue Party come to our party page, which is located Here, if you would like to view our party policies they can be found here.
Help us make the 150 member milestone!

Senate July Term
This term was a bit of a down fall for True Blue Party in the senate, managing to only get 7 seats. Last term True Blue Party manage to get a successful 10 seat!
TBP Senate Members:
Mark Sanchez
Maverick Goh
TJ Winner
Amelia Black

True Blue Member of the week profile:
Name: Corny-Ratbag
Born Date: 16.04.2008 - Day 148 of the New World
Party Position: Party President
Location: NSW, eAustralia
Profile Link: Found Here
Corny has been around for 440 days in the world of Erepublik, dating back just after eAustralia had been taken over by eIndonesia! Soon after Corny manage to get himself to the eUK, where his carrier first kicked off.
It was there in the eUK were Corny opened his first True Blue company, which is now a very successful business.
Corny had served 2 congress and 1 mayor terms in the eUK, before coming to eAustralia and has been in 7 congress terms. To top these 9 congress terms, Corny has been in the cabinet for 5 terms. He served as the Minister of Industry and also once as the Deputy Prime Minister of eAustralia.
Corny has had a lot of success but with great success comes some failings, such as losing the Prime Minister elections to Patti11 back in April. The race was very tight the whole way through, with only 6 votes apart for the finishing tally.
Corny has also created one of the greatest General Manager tools in Erepublik, "The GM Record". But that's not all soon to come will be the new GM Records Online!

Thanks for reading.
PR Manager of TBP

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