Taxes change

Day 293, 18:05 Published in Thailand Thailand by Luis Carlos Prestes

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Thailand Habitants, one more time the President Rockman is trying to change the taxes of our economy. With no purpose except steal money from people.

He’s increasing the rates of Gift and Moving Industry. These areas have only a state company - without sufficient employees - and private companies that hold the production - getting a huge profit rate.

I have spoken and I am tired of repeating. What we need now is to increase the strength of state companies, bringing more employees, and invite more companies to enter the competition. It will make our economy raise.

You know what happens when they grow up fees? Only depart new companies and reduce the salaries of workers. It’s so rockman hopes to develop our economy? Is the best thing a president can do?

Our Congressmen voted NO to changes in taxes. Let’s make a real project for development of this country.