Tax Reform (24 hour call)

Day 858, 09:23 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

In our normal everyday lives, questions usually come up.

What's the difference between an Autobiography and a Memoir?
If Jimmy_Miller cracks corn, and no one cares, why does he continue to crack it?
What the heck is in that suitcase from Pulp Fiction?

ooooooOOOOooo pretty! [citation needed]

And the most important of all, when the hell are they going to change taxes?

Well, as there's been a debate on our open forums for about 2 or 3 weeks now, we now feel it's time to go ahead and bring notice and push this through.

That being said, in 24 hours, we'll have the first proposals up for a vote, and I'll release an article with the new tax structure. If you wish to participate in the discussion and debate or if you're just a fan of pretty forums, I suggest you go to the forums w/in the next 24 hours.

And now, for a random picture

It's random because it is not Christmas, and I have neither a fondness nor a distaste for rodents. I'm generally neutral on the subject.

Remember our forums can be found at, so sign the hell up
