Tax Plans and Bad Press

Day 454, 07:50 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

I hope to actually have two articles out by the end of the day. This one is to hopefully gain support against a 25% across the board income tax and is aimed at clearing my name from some insanely false charges.

- Raising Taxes and Bad Press -

Over the weekend the Economic Council prepared a new tax plan for Congress in hopes that we may not realize that they want us to vote in a 25% income tax on everything. I know that they did their homework and put a lot of effort into making this proposal and even made an entire budget report for our country, but it's just not reasonable. As I already stated in my arguments against it on the forums, this new tax plan will essentially let foreigners come in to our country and buy our products cheaper than our own citizens. If you had to read one thing in this article it was that, hence the bolding. With a 1% VAT we will have the least taxed products in the world while our citizens are possibly paying the highest income taxes in the world. If I was a /v/aki I'd love this plan, but sadly, I'm not, so I don't.

I'm convinced that the only reason the Economic Council wants a purely income tax based economy is so that they can calculate how much tax revenue the government actually gets at any given time. The thing is, this is still totally calculable, just not immediately. All we would have to do is wait a week, subtract the amount we have in the treasury from our calculated income tax revenue, and voila. It really isn't a hard concept.

- Talia's Article -

I haven't been this upset in a long while. How can you even say that you're article is about me wanting higher taxes? All I was saying was that I don't think it's rational of Congress to pass 1 set of taxes knowing that they would all be changed the very next day. And I really don't appreciate you making me look like some sort of elitist that thrives on high taxes when you don't even fight the tax yourself. Instead of writing horrible articles spreading false accusations, how about you actually do something productive during your term.

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- Party President -

Thank you for voting for the only candidate on the ballot UIP!!! Haha, I'll have my PP article hopefully out by tonight. If I don't, blame Congress and College.