Task one: Civil Service

Day 1,907, 06:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

This is a butterfly. What connection does it have to this article? Absolutely none. Not even a little bit. But I recently heard a good piece of advice that people are much more likely to enjoy your article if it has pictures. So enjoy it! Isn't it pretty? Look at it. Go on, look at it. I SAID LOOK AT IT.

Anyway 😎

The election result three days ago was an interesting one, and while it didn't go the way I would have preferred, I want to be one of many wishing Richard Feist the best of luck in office. Let's hope to have a good month of prosperity, manageable conflict and lulz all around under a great leader!
But there is an issue that I think needs addressing at this point, and it has to do with an administration concept that is dear to the hearts of many, myself include😛 the Civil Service. Feist's cabinet selection is laudable, and alot of key experience is being brought to the table. But no Ministry can function properly without a strong, centralised support system, and organising it should be o e of the first and highest priorities of the new CP.

Now, not to toot the horn of my preferred candidate, 5butjam, but he had something lined up perfectly for this - the Civil Service database, sort of like a W4MP portal in-game. This would not only have made civil service roles application-based, allowing the most high-priority jobs to be filled quickest, it would have also recorded the amount of work done. Those who did the most work would be recognised and, most probably, rewarded for it. It was a very strong project, developed at the UKRP's top secret bunker in the South East of England. I've said too much now, but before I end up memory-wiped and sent to a creepy prison island, McGoohan style, I may as well make my point.

A centralised civil service mustn't be the faded dream of a lost election. It is imperative that Richard Feist either implements this or designs a similar measure. The vast electorate are looking to get involved in making their country better, and there are very capable, very dedicated players who need recognition. I personally think this will be implemented; Feist, in a gesture that I think shows his dedication to good leadership rather than political point scoring, has nominated butjam as his joint vCP, and I think the two of them will make the necessary changes.

Whether you agreed with BigAnt or not during his term in office, you could easily argue that public confidence in the CP has taken a knock. I look forward to Richard bringing it back, and what better way than with a much-needed measure like this?