Tales from EZC: Entry 9

Day 1,205, 15:39 Published in USA USA by havocpwn

Date: 1202
Time: 12:08
Location: EZC “backyard”

Ah, the best part of a peace time...backyard football with EZC. Pitting the newbies vs. the older guys, now that’s fun to watch...wait did I say watch? yep “watch” I take care of the scoring and reffing, mainly because of with my work schedule I can be called away at anytime...

Date: 1202
Time: 12:15
Location: Indonesia

Now why am I here? I’m here because I have a “little” meeting with some guys how say that got some info for me, is it safe? Hell no, I’m alone and armed with only a .357 magnum, nothing compared to the SS1 the guys escorting me have...

Date: 1202
Time: ...
Location: Some blacked out warehouse

“So whacha got for me?” I slyly said to the greasy haired indo who from the looks of it ran the joint... “Heh, depends on what you want me to know” He replied back... “Now what the hell is that suppose to mean?” “Whatever you want it to be American.”... Silence then a click of a safety...

Date: 1203
Time: 8:00
Location: American Airspace

“4 bullets, 4 guys” That’s a good bullet/person ratio I think. Who would have thought they had guns but they weren’t loaded...who the hell carries a gun but doesn’t load it, that’s like selling a car for gas money...