Tales from EZC: Entry 7

Day 1,089, 14:22 Published in USA USA by havocpwn

Date: 1089
Time: 3:00
Location: apartment

RING....got to love it when you get a random phone call at 3am, I answered it just to make sure it wasn't from soren or another officer. Was it? nope it was a foreign voice and language...Russian? nope, Spanish? nope, it was more of an Asian tongue, a dialect of Chinese or something. Hell it was 3am, not only could I care less I couldn't understand anything!

Date: 1089
Time: 10:00
Location: EZC office

Posted orders like I always do on the weekends. Today was just another Saturday for me, post orders, go to work, go to the training ground, eat, bark orders, bark orders some more, update trackers, watch the news, read the paper, write here, etc... nothing new...

Date: 1089
Time: 13:00
Location: EZC obstacle course

I forgot today was the day when we opened our course to civilians so they can get a feel of what it's like to be a soldier for a day. Of course, some don't like the fact that I throw them over the wall or chase them across the "minefield." But I find it funny and so do most of the officers...