Taking Things Personal

Day 935, 10:23 Published in Canada Canada by Gherk
Dealing with your Game Rage

I think this game is ready for an upgrade to eRep 2.0.

In the past few months, we have seen a Rage Quit, some traditional Russian Political Turmoil and an Epic Impolision that may never be repeated again. Why all the rage?

Hopefully the entertainment district may be a way for people to deal with their rage and frustration as the flame posts and rage quits are not the way to go if we want to see a happy productive society.

Just Relax

Canada is not overrun with Huns, the food prices have not sky rocketed beyond a working salary and there is plenty of work to go around. The new mechanics that deal with getting people to join are not really worth all the effort so work your day, read your papers and buy your daily grub.

Transitioning to V2

We have all seen the previews of what the game will look like, some will like it and some will not.

While the game will be more complex and probably more interesting. One thing we can all agree on is..

You will not be able to be the best at everything

You are not superman.

My suggestion is if there is a certain aspect of the game you enjoy - such as running a company, fighting in battles, building a media empire - then that is the only place you should spend your hard earned gold. Specialization will help because if you are not spending hours training, then you have more time to work and "entertain" if that is what you enjoy.

I always fight bare handed unless there is an emergency. I have no interest in tanking, running a private militia, or being the president. I will never spend gold to increase my strength or help me work harder as that is not my main goal of playing this game.

RELAX - Have some cake!

If you do not like cake, then take in some futbol or Listen and Relax.

There will always be trolls that will write bad things about you, say bad things about you, or do bad things. Take the high road and try enjoying the game more.

Vote this up if you think people need to start enjoying the little things more