Taking A Stand Against "Pertamaxx" !

Day 378, 21:57 Published in Australia Australia by Tecchi

" Pertamax. An Indonesian word meaning "To be Number One" is an eIndonesian trend that appears after every newspaper article. This custom has quickly spread to Australia, infecting Australian newspaper article comments and has come into the public eye.
Tecchi, Editor of The Hellfish Chronicle, resists this migration of eIndonesian trends and calls out to all Australian Citizens to help him fight the infection of Pertamaxx: "

As a proud Australian citizen i'm sick to death of "Pertamaxxx" and "Keduaxxx" in our articles. We are no longer part of eIndonesia, so why should we continue to imitate their customs and trends?
Sure, we can have friendly relations with eIndo, but becoming their clones? Ridiculous.

I'd rather see constructive comments in Australian news articles rather than looking at the first few comments being either:

1. Pertamaxxxx,
2. Aww no Pertamaxx
or 3. Keduaxxx

Its a pretty childish and silly practice, however, I understand it is common practice in many forums and imageboards. Therefore; Citizens of Australia, i pledge to you a solution.
Instead of using Indonesian slang, use "First" and "Second" as you see in many english based forums.
There are still a fair few Indonesians in Australian territory for whatever reason, so if article writers just comment their first posts with "First", the Indonesian custom of "Pertamaxx" will be eventually phased out for good.

Replace the trend. Begin a new custom. Unite against Pertamaxx!!!

Tecchi - Editor of The Hellfish Chronicle