Taking A Sabbatical

Day 803, 19:15 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hello everyone. I would like to thank every person that has made this game wonderful for me. There are too many people to mention everyone but you know who you special people are. 😉

Due to personal issues I won't be playing the game for a little while. I really need to pay more attention to other aspects of my life.

I have loved being President of eSingapore. It is the greatest honor. I would like to thank my VP Boethiah. He is an incredible leader and will be taking over as acting President. He has proven time and time again that he deserves this position. He brought us war games, got rid of the PTOers and has always been willing to lend a helping hand to eSingapore and its citizens. Please show him the same respect that you've shown me. I would also like to thank my great Cabinet and the great Congress members.

Boethiah, you are an amazing person and your name deserves to be among incredible people like Arbryn and Flaco Jimenez. I hope to see that medal on your profile one day soon. If I could have admin remove it from mine and add it to yours I would. This game changed completely the day I met you. I never thought that a game would allow me to meet a man that would take my breath away every day. I love you completely and am deeply and truly in love with you, nothing or no one could ever change that.

Stay strong beautiful citizens of eSingapore. Take care of each other and remember, every voice deserves to be heard.

Thank you,
President Liz Boethiah.
