Take over at BWP, a PP interview.

Day 938, 11:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Mic

All the votes at the BWP are in. Well we are a small party.

And with a landslide win (all votes)Louis Humphrey has won the PP seat.

So now, I give you an exclusive interview.

Sir Mic- Hello Louis
Louis Humphrey- Hi Lord Stewie, that is what you want to be called isn't it?

Sir Mic- Well lets get down to business
How long have you been playing eRep?
Louis Humphrey- Since day 848, and logged in on nearly every day.

Sir Mic Next question, How many Parties have you been in?
Louis Humphrey Well other than this. Two. The TUP, this was my first party, then sdp. I was in the sdp almost from the start, so I saw the expansion first hand, I was also in regular conference between melophore at the time.

Sir Mic- Have you had any past political experience e.g. Congress?
Louis Humphrey- None at all. I've had a few dealings with politics, like pm'ing the CP and pm'ing the PP, but I have never stood, but this is why I’m becoming PP, for change, and this is also what I will be changing the party into. A new change, another option for those who only see parties in black and white.

Sir Mic- What else do you wish to do after becoming a PP, e.g. get into congress?
Louis Humphrey- Well sir mic, I don’t know if I’ll be running for PP again, not sure if you can, but I will aim to get into congress, through my home country of Wales. Then I may become a CP candidate, may move away and become a politician elsewhere after all of that. The future is bottomless.

Sir Mic- How do you feel about taking the PP seat?
Louis Humphrey- so yeh, it’s a good feeling. I remember coming to the party, what was it, 29 days ago? gosh long time and thinking, yeh no time at all until I try to get the pp seat. then about 10 days ago, i felt the excitement build, I was raring to go, started scheming and planning, ready for the day, then 3 days ago i started putting those plans into affect. then today came, I couldn't believe it.
So in a nut shell, I feel great about winning the seat.

Sir Mic- What plans do you have for this term?
Louis Humphrey- I plan to bring the BWP up to a new professional level. This means individuality. of course I won’t release all the plans yet, but I’m sure you sneaky journalists always find stuff out. 🙂
oh yeh, vie taken this idea from the sdp in a way, I want to build up an empire of companies, which can make money for the company. this money will go towards advertising and funding of other projects. also I want to update/create forums for the party. I will also be creating my own "shadow cabinet" these people will be members and will be assigned different jobs, which they full fill. I also hope to get more detailed information about all the members. for this I’m using a form system which I have set up. much like the Doomsday book I also hope to increase membership numbers from about 10 to 30 by the end of my term. this of course is my minimal target, but I hope to get more, much more and there is one more thing but only my shadow cabinet will be able to know top secret stuff

Sir Mic- Is there anything you would wish to say to all the bigger parties out there?
Louis Humphrey- look, yes we are small, but look out. no one stays strong forever.

Sir Mic- Well that concludes our interview. Thank you for your time.
Louis Humphrey- My pleasure

And remember, you won’t find this anywhere else.

Sir Mic