Synergy Poll Release - 4/21/2010

Day 883, 21:36 Published in USA USA by Synergy Research Group

Table of Contents
1 - April Prize Winners!
2 - Presidential Approval Ratings
3 - "The Numbers"
4 - Current Events
5 - Other Data
6 - Notes for Nerds
7 - Notes for Noobs
8 - Final Notes / Now Hiring!

April Prizes

As promised, we randomly drew 10 numbers from amongst this month's participants. We will be contacting each of these individuals via PM with instructions for claiming the prizes. Thank you to all 548 citizens who responded to our invitations this month as well as to the sponsors for the prizes listed below. Congrats to our winners!

April Prizes (listed with the sponsor):
1) Clardy2 Q3 House (NKBlue)
2) Airtien Dunshadow Q1 House (Aersidius)
3) gynlorf 3 Q1 Weapons (Erik Victor, CEO of BigJohnsons (BJC))
4) Nogle 5.4g (three days of Napoleon training JohnLargo)
5) Skandranon Rakshae 5g (Lucus Casius)
6) FindxThexWay 5g (ERX, the eRepublik Stock Exchange)
7) dabears 5g (t'jelle Bank)
😎 Chrono994 2g credit (
9) Lerim 1g (Alexander Whalen)
10) shinybluepope 1g (stalker1984)

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Presidential Approval Rating

Due to the limitations of eRepublik, the images are shrunk on the article page. Click on any chart in this article to see the full sized version.

The chart on the left combines "Slightly Approve" and "Approve" on the one hand and &quot😉isapprove" and "Slightly Disapprove" on the other.

President Woxan makes a relatively strong debut with a 86% overall approval rating. As is typical in Synergy Polls, Less Active (less than 30min/day) citizens somewhat more supportive of the President.

Though the tracking poll shows a moderate increase from President PigInZen's last rating, President Woxan would do well to note that that support is still far less staunch than during the Jewitt and Frost administrations. About a month ago, participants shifted drastically from strongly approving their President (PiZ at the time) to "slightly" approving. Though President Woxan's overall number is 10% higher than the last administration, that support is still squarely in the "slightly" column. Can President Woxan strengthen his support during his final weeks? Will American's rally around their President with the threat of impending war?

In economic matters, President Woxan scored 83% approval overall. Of note is the fact that for the first time since February, the Less Active citizens' approval of the President in economic matters has increased. This seems to reflect the more stable economy of the past month or so.

President Woxan's approval in diplomatic matters falls short of his predecessor's debut with 75% approving of the job that Woxan is doing in non-military diplomatic matters. That said, 75% represents a 9% increase from our last survey a few weeks ago. That survey came in the midst the trolling between Poland and the USA and just after the withdrawal from EDEN. This survey took place the day before Poland began making aggressive moves toward the Americas, so the most current events are not reflected in this number.

The lowest approval rating, and the only one with no increase in support amongst Less Active citizens, is the approval of President Woxan where military matters are concerned. 71% of the overall sample group said that they approved, but this is almost entirely a result of increased support among More Active citizens as Less Active citizens reported 68% approval both in this poll and the last.

Will the economy continue to improve? Will the people blame the Woxan administration for continued problems with Poland? Will Woxan be blamed for military missteps? Will there BE military missteps?

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"The Numbers"

Participants were asked to rate the performance of each entity from 1 to 4 (similar to a grade point average or GPA)

The introduction of four fresh faces into "The Numbers" has resulted in probably the tightest grouping of results since The Synergy Poll began back in December. President Woxan leads the pack with a rating of 3.01, but he is followed closely by CJCS NXNW and Secretary of the Media Mr. Hyphenated. Bringing up the rear of the pack is Secretary of the Interior Maxx Johnson, but even he is within .33 of the President himself! Also of note is the especially strong debut of Speaker of the House Fionia who starts tracking at 2.86.

As usual, the eUS Military leads the pack among government organizations. We have removed the North American University altogether as that project appears to be on hold for now. Perhaps of greatest note is the fact that the State Department has now fallen to a tie with Congress for lowest rated. Doubtless this is a result of extremely strained relations with certain European powers.

In focus this month is Treasury Secretary Dr. Tango. As you can see, his rating has slowly but steadily increased since he took Sydiot's place over a month ago. Specifically, the approval among Less Active citizens has begun to increase. Generally, we have seen that the rating of the Treasury Secretary is directly related to the state of the economy when the poll is taken.

Also in focus is The Congress' performance rating. The Congress has had a tough time gaining the approval of the citizens with many ups and downs. You will note that things appear to be on the increase among both Less and More Active citizens, however, the rating is still somewhat lower than back in January. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that Congress will constantly improve the ways they serve the people.

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Current Events

Favorability Ratings

Not our graph 😉

We asked participants to give their general feelings about a number of different individuals, countries, and concepts. The intention was simply to take a snapshot of how the nation feels about these people and things.

What to see a bigger image? Buy the Data Package (see below)

While lots can be said about each of the entities rated, for the purposes of this article we will focus on the national ratings (feel free to comment about the other's in your papers, just include linkage please!). The relatively friendly nation of China received a 46% favorability rating which is somewhat lower than we might have expected. Perhaps there is some real world angst reflected in that. More importantly, 44% are UNfavorable toward the nation of Poland. Note that this polling data was collected BEFORE Poland began making moves to invade our neighbor to the South. There have been plenty of questions about the relationship of Romania and Spain with the USA as well, but in both cases Americans still maintain a mostly favorable stance toward them. This could lead to a very interesting diplomatic situation should Poland attempt to invade the US. Will Romania stand by us? Will Spain assist our newest enemy as they attack us? Will our Asian friends assist us?

eRepublik Stock Markets

Given the massive impact of the introduction of not one but two separate stock markets into the eRepublik world, we were interested to see how many Americans are investing and what their thoughts were so far. Without additional comment, here are the results:

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Other Data

Out of curiosity, we asked about the real world location of our participants. 88% of participants live in the USA in real life while around 11% indicated otherwise. Within the USA, most are living in the Northeast with the Midwest and Southeast coming in second and third respectively. Among foreign citizens, Europe brings us the most citizens followed distantly by Asia/Oceania.

Synergy Research Group saw another somewhat disappointing result with only 14.22% responding to poll invitations.

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Notes for Nerds

- The margin of error for this poll is +/- 6% (6.02😵 based on a 95% confidence level. At the time of this release, the total population (by our criteria) was not available from the GSO, so we had to use an alternate method of calculating the population. Though this method is slightly less reliable, we are still confident that a margin of error of 6% is accurate.

- Our response percentage DECREASED to 14.22% from 16.22% in our previous poll.

- For those keeping count, we have calculated that sending out 1800 invitations takes approximately 11,000 clicks and 360 Captchas. Fun times.

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Notes for Noobs

Here are some links to help anyone who was not familiar with the entities and initiatives talked about in the poll:

President Woxan
Vice President Joe Newton
Secretary of State Myles Robinson
Secretary of the Treasury DrTango
Secretary of Defense Angelini
Secretary of the Media Mr. Hyphenated
Secretary of the Interior maxx johnson
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff NXNW
Speaker of the House Fionia
The eUS Congress
The State Department
The Welcome Committee
The Pony Express
The Training Corps
The eUS Military
The North American University

For the individuals, don't forget to give their papers a look!

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Final Notes - Buy a Data Package!

- The Synergy Poll Data Package is a PDF file which contains the full results from the survey including over 75 charts. Purchasers of the Data Package are free to use the data and charts in their own newspapers so long as proper credit is given to Synergy Research Group (include a link please!). To obtain a copy of the most recent Data Package: PM Synergy Research Group with a) the release date(s) for the Data Packages you wish to obtain, and b) a valid email address, then donate 5 USD to SRG's account and we'll get back to you within 24hrs (usually much less).

-In addition to the current Data Package, we are offering the previous Data Packages for FREE! PM us your email address and we'll send it as quickly as possible.

- We are also pleased to announce that you can now obtain a LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION to the Synergy Poll Data Package for only 5 GOLD! Don't miss this great opportunity!

- If you would like to help the Synergy Research Group, feel free to make a donation of any amount to the organization (just PM us to let us know!). Alternatively, you can help out by sponsoring a prize for May. You can sponsor the prize on behalf of yourself, your party, your organization, your branch, etc. etc. Simply donate the gold/good then PM us telling us who you are sponsoring on behalf of. What is the benefit to you? Well, your sponsorship is mentioned in the Synergy Poll invitations which are sent to 1800 for each poll. That is 3600 PMs that have your name on it! Talk about increasing your name recognition! We already have 3 prizes lined up for May and we will stop sponsorships when we have ten prizes for May.

- We want to say a special thank you to two individuals who helped decrease the "painfulness" of operating the Synergy Poll for this cycle. Armando D'Errico and Spanied were both a great help sending out nearly 1000 invites between the two of them. Thank you! This was especially helpful because one of our co-owners was out with the Swine Flu!

- Look for the next Synergy Poll to be released sometime around the 1st of May....just before the next Presidential Election.

Until next time,
Synergy Research Group

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