Swiss Repub

Day 3,488, 12:23 Published in Switzerland Cuba by ArhangelI

Swiss Republic Party is made to help and support new projects. Our principles are based on democracy, equality, financial welfare in Switzerland. We preserve, protect and defend our country. We help new players develop to become great eRepublik players trough our youth-programme and start a big reform towards a ideal society based on them. Let's show the world we can, Let's show the world we must! Join, learn and have fun with us.

Party Statue

Article 1
Swiss Republic is a sovereign party, that possesses all the power on it’s own leadership.

Article 2
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them (the rights) under absolute
Despotism, it is their right(of the members), it is their duty, to throw off such Administration, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Article 3
The party's leadership is of Republican type,formed by a President, a Vice-President, a General Secretary, a Concillor and a Spokesman.

Article 4
The President is elected each month, based on general election vote.

Article 5
In order to take office the President must declare the following : "I solemny affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the Swiss Republic Party, and will to the best of my ability honor, preserve and defend the rules, principles and morals of this party
as long as I fulfil my duties as President.

Article 6
The Vice-President is the "bank" of the party,he is in charge of the finance gained by Congress Member achivements and by CP achivements as well.

Article 7
The Concillor, also called "The special advisor of the President" keeps the President informed of all that happens in the country's politic, day or night, war or peace.

Article 8
The General Secretary is the party's deputy chairman in the joined meetings.

Article 9
The Spokesman is the party's voice, he will adress the members, and the citizens of the Swiss Confederation.

Article 10
The party lays it's existance on direct democracy,and no obscure force can change the vote of the members.

We are reforming the party with the idea to make a big project for our nation, based on new players (without forget old one). From Swiss Republic Party (SRP), will support aid for help news players and old ones, based on food and weapons distribution, like we know this is hard, we can't do it inmediatly.

This party, have also some financial projects that will be explained in a future article.

As we decide we reform the party, but this is not our objetive, our community is dying, so we must help to solve this problem, and the better idea is reform the community.

From this party will innovate in the society in order to keep the citizens but also, try to make them grow up.

From this party we would like to ask our Great Government, to cede us an ORG, tath are not in use, in order to work for help and support our project.

Also, we would like community to join us, in this new project, so we invite all of you to our party.

President words

"Dear Swiss citizens,
It`s time to work all together for a better future of our country, since few month until now, our population is decreasing, and we are joining to a third team of country without power. Our Great Nation need something to try to solve this problem, probably we are not the solution, but we have ideas to solve them or at least try.

Switzerland has a great potential, and must make it true, so friends, me personally invite you to our party to change the situation.

Thanks to everyone,

Hail Swiss!!
For a future all together!!
For be Great again!!
Remember Republic Swiss Party "