Swiss Reform Coalition - Congress and Primaries

Day 1,253, 12:07 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by SLP Organization

Hello dear members,

Starting today, our parliament is renewed. Welcome to the new and congratulation for the new parliament! A new self available to us to continue the reforms essential to the recovery of Switzerland, it requires a collaborative and an optimal agreement with the government and the country's president.

The Swiss Reform Coalition therefore obtained a result very correct of 50%.

We experienced difficult times in recent months (economic crisis, wars, lack of serious solutions ..) But now we have a Congress ready to discuss and a presidential majority, not negligible.

We must seize this opportunity for progress before us for improve the situation of our fellow citizens.

The Swiss Reform Coalition is always open to dialogue with the Swiss neutrality Party, and independent research still in progress.

You know, May 5 approach, the presidential election :

Avril 28, 2011, will take place the primaries to elect the official candidate to represent our party in the presidential election. The President SRC has the honor to organize this month votes! Currently, nominations are still open. Simply send a private message to Becker&co. The party looks forward to seeing you on the forum to express your vote for the candidate you want to party's candidate in the election.

Swiss Reform Coalition is still in expansion, so don't hesitate and join us and participate in develloppement party.
Places are still available to the Executive ... to conduct research departments so that our party remains constant ideological movement.

see you soon on irc and the forum!

President of SRC.