Swing votes flock to ISRP from IUP - Congress coverage

Day 523, 17:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

The ISRP have taken congress by storm, winning 17 of the forty seats, taking over from IUP as first party in Ireland.

Several high-profile congressmen lost their seats as part of this swing away from IUP including uaithne and pdiddy, but most striking is the absolute wipeout of IFP -"Success is our Downfall." Quite with only one congressman, who is a lurker, IFP lost the seats held by Artaxerxes Pavonis and Minister of Defence 5n4keyes. Compare this with two months ago when IFP controlled 17 seats.

Final Tally
ISRP: 17
IUP: 12
IF: 6
FF: 3
IFP: 1
approx turnout - 36%

Cork & Kerry 282 citizens - 37 votes
3 ISRP, 2 IUP, 1 IF, 1 FF
ISRP Gain, FF Gain, IFP lose

Conor Larkin - IUP (5)
John Gormley - IF (5)
Sean Greene* - ISRP (4)
enoofu - FF (4)
Teutorix Aleria - ISRP (4)
Cian O'Leary - ISRP (4)

patton (W) - IUP (3)

Not Qualified
Risk201, uathne*, elementor, cora mcstrap - IUP
Aeryn Kelly*, Regali - IF

* indicates incumbent congressman.

Following the national trend against IUP, Cork and Kerry unseated prominent five-time IUP congresswoman uaithne, and IF congresswoman Aeryn Kelly in favour of ISRP unknown Cian O'Leary. Other older players elected - enoofu, Sean Greene and patton (wildcard) were pushed hard by up and coming players like Conor Larkin, Teutorix Aleria and John Gormley to give this constituency a mixed-bag feel. High profile entrant elementor disappointed with only one vote.

Dublin 863 citizens - 69 votes
3 ISRP, 2 IUP, 1 IF
ISRP Gain, FF lose
IF, IUP, FF Wildcards

Pip Kelly - IF (11)
David Phelps - ISRP (9)
Nithraldur* - IUP (7)
AppleMan - ISRP (6)
Severin* - IUP (5)
Rottenhat* - ISRP (5)

Octavius Thurinus*(W) - IF (4)
Dmk2b(W) - IUP (4)
blackxs(W) - FF - (3)

Not Qualified
Artaxerxes Pavonis*, tonymc - IFP
Borzoi - ISRP
Highonsnow, johnthemany, tonymana - IUP
ElReverend - FF

Dublin is always a tight race with at least two wildcards, but again ISRP gain a seat here. Surprising for some would be the high turnouts for relative unknowns Pip Kelly, David Phelps and Dmck2b. Last term Octavius Thurinus was elected in similarly dramatic fashion, despite being barely known in the country.

FF gain a vital seat for long term member blackxs, and Ceann Comhairle Nithraldur and IUP president Severin squeak into congress with a reduced vote. New minister for education AppleMan joins Rottenhat for the ISRP who regretted not getting borzoi elected. He will make a contribution yet I am sure.

Artaxerxes Pavonis is unseated surprisingly for someone with such a high profile.

The Northeast 131 citizens - 15 votes
3 ISRP, 2 IUP, 1 IFP
ISRP Gain, IF lose

Thomas Page* - ISRP (5)
RayMF* - IFP (4)
James Campbell* - IUP (3)
bakagaijin* - IUP (2)
Kevin Hutchison - ISRP (1)
binksy - ISRP (0)

Not Qualified
Claudius Augustus - IFP

This tiny constituency saw only 15 votes placed out of 131 citizens, and as a result the ISRP pulled off a spectacular accident of electoral mathematics, getting binksy elected without a single vote.

Thomas Page, bakagaijin and Kevin Hutchison are old-hands in eRepublik and were shoe-ins to return to congress. RayMF is an enigma, who seems inactive but consistently gets elected, he is now IFP's only TD. James Campbell trades on annoying everyone he comes into contact with, but is at least active both in game and on the forums, so we can trust him to stand up for his beliefs. binksy is a young and talented player who will impress this term, I believe.

The Northwest 189 citizens - 30 votes

Aran Tal - ISRP (5)
Eamon_de Valera* - IUP (5)
Mannimarco - ISRP (5)
Jerek White - ISRP (4)
Delphinian - IUP (4)
Vinners - IUP (3)

Not Qualified
Padraig Pearse - IUP,
O Bass* - IF

Both myself and Eamon de_Valera are well known faces on opposite sides of the spectrum, but nonetheless I was delighted to top the poll here, even if only on experience!

Mannimarco is a controverial character, and polarising also, but his exposure with the IVF has done him in good stead. Jerek White's return to congress will be welcomed. Unkown Delphinian unseats respected IF TD O Bass, as Romanian money-grabber Vinners sneaks in to make a tidy profit before heading home for some more TO-ing. He has already resigned and left Ireland

The Shannon 208 citizens - 36 votes
2 ISRP, 1 IUP, 2 IF, 1 FF
ISRP gain, IUP lose two, FF gain

Sean Curtin - IUP (7)
Niall-H - FF (6)
Kiemar* - ISRP (5)
garkuna - ISRP (4)
George Steinberg* - IF (3)
Pogue Mahone - IF (3)

Not Qualified
5n4keyes*, Podge O'Leprosy - IFP
crcr*, FarciTibo, Will Tikius, Barney Button - IUP
Michael Troy - ISRP

This constituency was always going to be interesting. ISRP knew 2 candidates would be lucky, while IUP ran 5, fatally splitting the vote. Sean Curtin and Niall-H are both enthusiastic young players who will do well in congress. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kiemar is joined by new TD garkuna, and IF get two seats with Pogue Mahone complementing the quiet George Steinberg.

Minister of Defence 5n4keyes, crcr, and Will Tikius are among the high-profile losers here - the IFP leader only pulling a single vote.

The Southeast 207 citizens - 29 votes
3 ISRP, 2 IUP, 1 IF
IUP gain, IFP loss.

Starks Hayter* - ISRP (7)
Phil - IUP (4)
Leon Bonaparte - ISRP (4)
Dr. O'Gres - IF (3)
Paddy O'Fucyou* - IUP (3)
Sherbert Ninja - ISRP (3)

Not Qualified
Richard Winters, pdiddy* - IUP, Matty v - ISRP

Minister of Health pdiddy, despite being widely beloved loses his seat here as effervescent ISRP leader Starks Hayter tops the poll. Unknown IUP members Phil and Paddy O'Fucyou force out the more popular minister as part of the swing against IUP. Dr. O'Gres and Leon Bonaparte complete the list of unknown quantities coming to the Dáil from Wexford alongside Sherbert Ninja who survived personal attacks in the media to scrape the sixth seat.

On a personal note I would like to thank the citizens of the Northwest who voted for me, and everyone who voted for the ISRP. As promised I have already proposed my housing tax reduction, and will continue to fight for the introduction of citizenship, and the restructuring of the IDF.

With official Love