Swedes day

Day 341, 15:13 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Altnabla

Pakistani are often said to be racist and ehtnocentric people.That is not true, we love everyone and even more our pig-disgusting ennemies.Therefore, let it be known to the world that today is the "we love sweden" day.Indeed, the 10/26 is a special day for all pakistani. We have to be in our ennemies' skin, we have to feel and act like them sothat we can understand them better and maybe try to make them get back on the good way of Dioism.Yayah and Abdul Yusuf are two people that understood that. I remember when I was a kid, Yayah, a famous and worldwide recognized iranian said that you mustn't judge a book by its cover (talking about Koroush and how he acted like he had no multis). This struck me as evidence and later on, I'd be totally convinced when Abdul Yusuf would press that argument even more : " All that looks pakistani might not be as it is. " (talking about pig-disgusting non-approved state companies).Indeed, only would a Pakistani understand what lies beneath the underneath if he was to be in the skin of everything that stand against us.This is why, over nine thousand people participated today in the main event that was located in Islamabad, you could see multiple Pakistani behaving and dressing in traditional and casual swedish outfits (see picture).The party was a huge success and by the end of the day, everyone was laughing whenever someone tried to speak swedish (Oink Oink).Official were pleased by that second Sweden Day and they announced that in a few time, the spanish national day would be launched for the pleasure of everyone.Pride!Power!Pakistan!