Sweden, Is it worth it?

Day 1,352, 04:01 Published in Serbia Norway by fredrikz
[PS] Posted in exile, since none wanted to give me cz in Sweden.

Dear eSweden and eDanmark,
to friends and enemies.

We should be friends, like Norwegians Danes and Swedes are in real life. You left EDEN because you knew ONE would be stronger and your friendship with spoland. Most will blame you for treason, but most will also understand you.

But still, we could have been Enemies and friends, there was no need for Homonovia to attack Norway from a military point of view. And even worse, the reason for the attack was to destroy the Norwegian community and force the Norwegian population into your "union". Were is your dignity?

Powers and alliances shift, but friendship is something that last forever. This is something we could have had between the Scandinavian countries. Eternal TRUST! We had this, we was uncountable one time. What do we have now? Hate? A country who is roused on power and might?

eSweden, You should stop for one moment, think about what you are doing. This maybe the first time some country attacks another country just to destroy their community. And this is between two countries who used to be friends. Were no hate existed.

So I urge you with, show some pride, show some honor. Let us at least retake the regions Norway had before ABC attacked.

We won't forget.

Yours truly

[PS] Posted in exile, since none wanted to give me cz in Sweden.