Sweden contains everything between A and O

Day 499, 11:23 Published in Sweden Sweden by Helgonized

There is a saying in Sweden. The saying is like following: It is A and O... followed by something. To understand the saying, we need to look closer to the greek alphabet, where A, Alfa, is the first letter, and O, Omega, is the last letter. This means, by saying "Everything from A till O" you mean "Everything from start to end".
I used to say that Sweden contains everything from A till O. But I don't say that anymore.

Why do I not say that anymore then? The answer is just as easy as you believe. We don't contain everything from A till O anymore. There is something missing. And so what is missing, you might wonder. And that's a pretty obvious question. And I will give you an answer.

Noone in Sweden, and I really mean noone, writes good articles. Toothpaste is spamming out new articles, some with a lot of spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes, some very biased. Mombassa writes articles.. - No sorry I lied. He makes articles containing one picture and maybe one sentence if it is a good day.

I have not seen an article, as far as I know, on the international hit list for a very long time.

Oh, you're right. Misho is there from then to then. But my trust in him disappeared a little bit like two days ago, by publishing a idiotic article saying that it is OK to buy votes. And his good articles is not there so very often.

I just wonder, beloved Swedes, when will you, the good writer, come! I'm waiting!

Note, as usual, that this is my opinions and not my parties. Don't blame them for my foolishness. Also note, that I'm not saying that I am a good writer, I know that my articles may be out of interest, and that they not have the same class as some others. But I know that.
Greetings from