Svoboda News Day 783

Day 783, 05:28 Published in Czech Republic Venezuela by Svoboda News

Recruitment messages have been sent out.We hope this will help party numbers.We will see in the next week if these recruitment messages will have improved the party numbers in any way

You should soon see new recruitment advertisments on the side of the page.Svoboda will be creating 4 new advertisements which will displayed under the citizens ad beta sign on the far-right of the screen.The ads will outline the parties ideology and growth to rospective members.There will be two ads in English and two ads in Czech.

To upgrade or not to upgrade

There is currently a debate on the Svoboda forum on whether to upgrade the here under the Communes section of our forum.All members are encouraged to have they're say.The vote currently shows that 3 people want to upgrade the commune to Q2 while 3 people want to keep it a Q1.It will be a close poll that could go either way so all Svoboda Party members should vote on it.


Ok the forum has been very active especially recently.It has actually been more active then the actual eCzech Forum.On the forum we re currently discussing

-The Communes

-Tax Changes

-Party Presidential Elections

-The next Congress Elections

and other stuff to.So if you are a Svoboda member please feel free to join the discussion and if you haven't joined the forum yet you should join now


Svoboda Now has chat

Yes the Svoboda Party now has chat.It is on Rizon it was created mainly by Machtgeil.explained how to on to Svoboda chat on the Svoboda forum

We now have an IRC channel its at



It would be a great place to chat and discuss ideas for the party or just have fun.

I hope I can get to know all of you better on there

heres a useful guide to use to get on

Step One:
Go to The Mibbit Chat Site

Step Two:
Select "Rizon" on the drop-down list, type your preferred nickname in the "nick" box.

Step Three:
Type #svoboda in the Channel Box, and click Go!

If you followed the steps correctly, you should have gotten into the Svoboda IRC!

Central Committee

There are still places in the Svoboda Central Committee.Anybody interested please feel free to P me or comment below.These are the positions:

Commissar of Commune-
Commissar of Red Brigade-Sognatore
Commissar of Foreign Affairs-
Minister of Recruitment-Mr.Pollo
General Secretary-
Party Newspaper-Simonov
Czech Translator-
Forum Moderator-


TThe Party currently has two communes.1 is Svoboda Food and the other is Svoboda Gifts

All Svoboda members are encouraged to work in these two communes

New Chairman

There will be chairman elections for Svoboda in 5 days time.I will not be running for Chairman because I'll be gone for 5 days and I shouldn't run if I know I won't be at my most active

So we will need a new Chairman.Mr. Pollo has expressed interest.If you are interested in being Chairman of Svoboda this month please run for Chairman

Join Svoboda

Svoboda is Czech Republics most rapidly growing party.It was established just over a month ago and is now the largest party in congress as well as Czech Republics 3rd largest party.We are far-left and Libertarian.If Svoboda sound like the party for you then please join

Thats all for now but please log on to the forum where we are discussing several issues ivolving the running of the party as well as the running of Czech Republic.Please check it out and if you haven't joined Svoboda what are you waiting for😉