Survival in eRepublik + (V1) Daily Guide

Day 613, 03:12 Published in India India by Enigma1990

All citizens who have reached level 2 can train and all citizens who have reached level 5 can fight, So here are some tips to fight in a war and some survival tips

1) Make sure that your wellness is between 40-100

2) Fight Maximum 5 times and then visit the hospital, Remember you can use the hospital once a day and the hospital is only available in Orissa (eIndia)

3) If you have enough money to purchase weapons for fighting (Current : 5.50 INR Per Q1 Weapon)

4) Fight every time you get a chance this will help you increase your ranks in the army

5) Only buy wellness boxes if your health is below 40, you will recieve +10 Health. This is not recommended as its a waste of your precious gold.

6) If you dont have enough Gold to buy a wellness box (2 Gold) or want any help just contact the Internal Affairs India Organisation and ask for some gifts from them, They will help you.

7) If there are no war games which includes India, Make sure you maintain your health above or on 40 till the next wargame. Eg> Buy food for your citizen, Automatic consuming increases wellness. Ask the Internal affairs organisation for food if you can't afford it.

😎 You should have a job so that you can earn money to buy food !

9) You can earn experience points by Working, Training, and Voting on the election day

10) You can only vote if you have reached level 6 (35 experience points)

11) You can earn gold by reaching level 6, Working 30 Days in a row, Passing 5 Strength level, Winning congress elections, You would recieve 5-30 Gold for every level you complete from lv 16 onwards

12) You can use the gold to start a Newspaper (2 Gold) Start a company (20 Gold) Buy a wellness box (2 Gold) Participate in Party president election (2 Gold) etc...

13) Voting : You can only vote from the region you are living in | eg : You are living in Orissa but you want to vote candidates in Gujarat- You can't do that unless you move to that place ! 2) You can vote at the President Elections, Party President election and the Congress election. You can vote from any place for the President and Party President elections. 3) To vote in the party president elections you must be a members of a party, Don't worry ou can join one when you reach Lv 7. THe 2 major parties currently in the race are India United and the Democratic Party of India (DPI).

14) Your health determines your production in a company this means how much items you can create for that company if you have more than 90 Health your productivity would be more. Here are the health related tasks and events :

A) If your wellness get to 0 your citizen will die, Don't worry you can revive yourself with the same experience level, all the money you had but you will begin again at a low health. If this happens contact Internal Affairs Organisation for Gifts.

😎 You can fight only if your health is at 40

C) The more your health the more your productivity

Some Videos that might Help you :
eRepublik default Tutorial :

First steps to citizenship :

How to get food and a job :

How to fight and heal :

Monetary Exchange tutorial :
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Hope this helps and have a nice day...