Survey - Brazilian (partial) results

Day 1,139, 03:25 Published in Turkey Slovenia by dupi
For Turkish, Hungarian, Macedonian, Polish results please check my previous article.

Yesterday Cavalcanti and Gislaine (thanks both!) helped me to reach the Brazilian population, so I have some numbers for them 🙂

Brazil, 58 players, at least 7 pts

#1 Argentina 117 pts
#2 Serbia 94 pts
#3 Indonesia 63 pts
#4 USA 16 pts
#5 France 14 pts
#6 Turkey 8 pts

#1 Spain -135 pts
#2 Hungary -83 pts
#3 Poland -49 pts
#4 South Africa -22 pts
#5 Croatia and Italy -7 pts

Some interesting facts

Polish-Hungarian relationship
76% of Hungarians mentioned Poland as a friend - while this ratio "only" 42% between Poles and 18% of them mentioned Hungary as an opponent.

Brazilian-Hungarian relationship
74% of Brazilians mentioned Hungary as an opponent - and only one of them (1.72😵 said they are friends.
35% of Hungarians mentioned Brazil as an opponent - but there are one player here too who don't forget the old/past friendship.

The survey is still running! I appreciate every shout and trackback 🙂